On Wednesday I had a check up with my surgeon and he gave me the - TopicsExpress


On Wednesday I had a check up with my surgeon and he gave me the bad news......It seems that a lot of scar tissue has formed which is creating stiffness in my knee. I cant bend it as much I use to be able to do.....so I have to have a non surgical,procedure done....where he will manually break up the scar tissue. It sounds like Medieval torture to me. I will have general anesthesia because it is extremely painful. It is not a 100% guarantee but it is my best option for gaining more mobility. I was devastated to hear this news.....I did all my exercises faithfully and even attend PT a month longer than my insurance would pay for. The surgeon says I did nothing wrong, that some peoples bodies just produce a lot of scar tissue. I am nervous about having this procedure done but needs must. I am in a FB group for people who have knee replacements and I have gotten some good info from this group...sounds like this is a common experience. So I am less devastated than the day I received this news....but I am still bummed about it. I will have the procedure done Tuesday before Thanksgiving so I can recoup and be back to school when vacation is over. Trying to stay positive....
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:58:59 +0000

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