On Wednesday I heard the sad news that one of our rehomes had - TopicsExpress


On Wednesday I heard the sad news that one of our rehomes had died. Smokey Joe was adopted by Claire and Kristian in February 2010 and swiftly renamed Zebedee. The story was that he did not like music and Zebedee was joining a very musical family, it quickly became obvious that he had very particular musical tastes and on visting him shortly after moving into his new home I found him lying on a speaker listening to rock music. He was a big character and Id like to thank Claire and Kristian for caring for him and making that awful decision on Wednesday morning. With kind permission from his family here is the announcement on facebook from them that sums up Zeb perfectly. Rest peacefully sweet boy. With great sadness we said goodnight for the last time to our wonderful, irreplaceable cat Zebedee at 930 this morning. Despite all his recent improvement and the amazing care provided by the guys at the veterinary surgery, the strain was too much for his system and his body began shutting down. He was so loving, always wanting to cuddle with us on the sofa and often climbing in bed whilst we were asleep nuzzling under the covers between us, with a mischievous streak which when supported by an innocent look from his enormous blue eyes meant he usually got away with whatever he was up to. When we picked him up on the 28th February 2010 the first thing he did after being allowed out of his room in the cattery and into kitchen was jump up on the kitchen counter, stuff his face into a plastic box of treats and get the container stuck on his head. In that moment, we knew he was the cat for us. I’ve never known another cat like him, he had a definite personality and he was a huge part of this little family. When Claire moved to London before I did he kept me company every night and I have no doubt I would have been so much lonelier without him. He was still relatively young – born on 26th September 2006 he was just under 8 years and 4 months old – which only adds to the heartache. For the almost 5 years we have cared for him though I know he lived like a king, spoiled rotten and showered with love and affection not just by us but by everyone who met him. Rest peacefully, our furry baby, there will never be another cat like you.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:31:10 +0000

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