On Wednesday, Prime Minister Mark Rutte expressed his outrage at - TopicsExpress


On Wednesday, Prime Minister Mark Rutte expressed his outrage at the terrorist attack on French weekly ‘Charlie Hebdo’, in Paris. “I am stunned”, said the Prime Minister. “This disgusting and cowardly terrorist act in Paris touches us all. The Netherlands stands shoulder to shoulder with France. Our thoughts go out first and foremost to all those who have been hit by this terrible tragedy.” In his initial response, Mr Rutte expressed his sympathy to French President François Hollande and pledged the Netherlands support. That same day Foreign Minister Bert Koenders also gave his comment. “This was a horrendous terrorist act”, said Mr Koenders. “This attempt to use cowardly violence to silence the free press has caused indescribable pain to the victims and their loved ones.” Yesterday Minister Koenders signed the book of condolence at the French Embassy for the victims of the attack in Paris. Silent processions or demonstrations were held yesterday in many Dutch towns and cities, in support of the victims of the attack, and their families. Prime Minister Rutte and Foreign Minister Koenders were both present at yesterday’s Charlie Hebdo demonstration in Amsterdam. The Prime Minister gave a speech at the Dam Square in Amsterdam, in which he said “Today we say with thousands of people together: Keep your hands off our freedom”. Click here to read Prime Minister Rutte’s speech in Dutch: rijksoverheid.nl/nieuws/2015/01/08/rutte-handen-af-van-onze-vrijheid.html
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 00:32:51 +0000

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