On Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., we are kicking off the campaign with a - TopicsExpress


On Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., we are kicking off the campaign with a wine-tasting event at Total Wine, located at 19336 Nordhoff Street in Northridge, on the southwest corner of Tampa and Nordhoff, near Best Buy. Youre cordially invited. Well have yard signs, posters, campaign buttons and more. Its time to win this election. Id like to take a moment to reflect on the scale of the fight that we are in. Things are not okay in California, and this is why: Our state government is run by people who believe businesses are inherently guilty of something, and therefore deserve to be hit with higher taxes, harassed by unaccountable regulators, forced to pay higher costs, served with lawsuits, and derided publicly. In Texas, businesses are treated like a goose that lays golden eggs. These are philosophical differences that result in very different outcomes. In Texas, businesses are growing and hiring. In California, businesses are closing and leaving. Californians who once had jobs that supported a family are working part-time, struggling with lower salaries, living on their home equity or credit cards, drawing down their retirement savings, and even taking in boarders. Two years ago, under threat of savage cuts to education, voters agreed to a temporary hike in sales and income taxes. The Prop 30 tax revenue has given California a temporary infusion of cash, much like a credit card balance transfer creates a momentary breather from the monthly bills. However, only a fraction of the money from Prop 30 has actually gone into classrooms. Since the measure passed, Sacramento politicians have voted two pay raises for themselves as well as a 4.5% pay hike for nearly 100,000 state bureaucrats. The most recent budget deal in Sacramento also commits taxpayers to expanded entitlement spending that will continue beyond the expiration of the Prop 30 tax hikes. The talk of extending the Prop 30 tax hikes has already begun. And it doesnt end there. On January 1, the price of gasoline in California will be forced upward by an estimated 12-20 cents per gallon to comply with the costly 2006 law known as AB 32. Thats the same law that has pointlessly forced utilities in our state to increase their use of wind and solar energy from 20 percent to 33 percent in the next six years. Businesses and residents are paying DWP bills that rise sharply every year to cover the cost of expensive alternative energy, accomplishing nothing, while the water mains break and the infrastructure crumbles. The state government estimates that the mandated hike in gasoline and diesel fuel prices will pour up to $5 billion per year into the cap-and-trade fund, intended to prevent global warming. Where will that money go? Sacramento politicians just made a deal to spend 25% of the money on the bullet train and 35% on projects including high-density housing near transit stations. Here in the Valley, local elected officials are supporting a proposal to rip up the Orange Line busway and replace it with light rail on the identical route -- at a cost of over $2 billion. Why? So they can award construction contracts to donors, with Project Labor Agreements for their union patrons, all guaranteeing that taxpayers pay the very highest price to get something on tracks that we already have on wheels. Where will the money come from? Local politicians are talking about Measure R 2.0, another increase in the sales tax, which they hope to put on the ballot in 2016. Meanwhile, as local residents are called criminals for watering their yards on the wrong day, the governor has called for an open door to an unlimited number of Central American children. His new funding formula for schools gives an increased share of scarce education dollars to schools with a higher proportion of English-learners. What about the kids who were born here? How much will their schools be cut? It is sad, worse than sad, that the good intentions of traditional liberals have led us to the terrible consequences of what liberalism has become. California is a three-dimensional model of what happens to a society that rewards effort with penalties and attempts to meet economic needs with expanded government power. It cannot continue. But it doesnt have to continue. And were not moving to Texas, either. We are not giving up on California. With my victory in this race and the turnover of one additional seat in the Assembly, the supermajority will be broken and we will have a functioning, transparent government with checks and balances instead of backroom deals and corruption. With my advocacy of sensible, effective environmental protection based on facts and science, we can put an end to government by bullying and name-calling. With my voice leading a return to the core American principle of freedom, we will restore economic growth and good jobs in California, which is the only way to generate the revenue needed to maintain our education system, our infrastructure and our social safety net. If we dont have economic growth, we will have declining revenues, increased expenses, higher taxes, a lower standard of living, and ever more intrusive central planning by bureaucrats. History tells us how that turns out. This is the scale of the fight that we are in. Will California be the kind of place where we live the American dream, or will it be a debt-ridden meteor crater filled with politicians bleating that the ten remaining homeowners arent paying their fair share of taxes? It is up to us. Please help this campaign with your most generous contribution. Do it today. The election is November 4, but the ballots mail out in early October. Thats just six weeks away. Mail a check to the address below or visit SusanShelley to make an online contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 to turn California, and the country, in the right direction. When we win, it will be a national story that will inspire more candidacies and more victories. Soon it will be 2016. We cannot continue to surrender Californias 55 electoral votes without a fight, without even a full team on the field. We have to start. If we dont start, well never get there. Share this post with everyone you know and help us build the foundation of the future. Thank you. Youll never regret it. Warm regards, Susan Susan Shelley for Assembly, 2014 FPPC Committee ID 1355796 20121 Ventura Blvd., Suite 206 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818-22-SUSAN Susan@SusanShelley SusanShelley Friend me on Facebook: facebook/susan.shelley.9 facebook/susanshelleyforassembly Follow me on Twitter: @Susan_Shelley P.S. We are more than halfway to our general election fundraising goal of $70,000 in the next six weeks. Please help as much as you can. Thank you for your support. Contributions to Susan Shelley for Assembly are not tax-deductible. Contributions from individuals are limited to $4,100 per person, per election. Individuals may give $4,100 for the primary and $4,100 for the general election. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for making this important campaign possible.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 22:51:57 +0000

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