On Wednesday water tax protest seeing thousands took to the - TopicsExpress


On Wednesday water tax protest seeing thousands took to the streets the direct action group and myself joined the large crowd blocking OConnell bridge. Over four hours we sat chanting and playing music. Rumours went round the riot squad were on the way around. I discussed with comrades that unfortunately i couldnt continue to stay on the road if Gardai moved in. I had to step back in safety for myself and the baby. When Gardai arrived i stood on the footpath by the Heinekin building with my friend. Over 200 Gardai formed a line, batons clanging together, dogs barking as they charged towards peaceful protesters. I couldnt believe the scenes, one female Gardai charged towards me pushing me full force off the foothpath, i shouted i am pregnant do not push me she shoved me again when i reacted in self defence, a male gardai grabbed me from behind by my neck, dragging me towards the riot van, my jacket was over my head i couldnt breath and i blanked out. Once i was thrown into the riot van the male Gardai threatened me and said this is how we treat protesters he punched me in the face and strangled me to the ground, again i blanked out. Never have i felt in such fear for my life as i had the night of the water tax protest. The Gardai have said in court before Saoirse is known as a professional protester i feel i was targeted. Yet again the system is attempting to defame me by giving me 6 outrageous charges, nothing but lies. I cant even stand (peacefully protesting) on a foothpath without being targeted. This is in total breach of my rights. I had lost all or any kind of respect i had for even the minority of good cops. The police force in Ireland is set out to protect the corporations and defend the state, anyone who speaks out will be beaten and thrown into prison. The Garda tried refusing any bail for my release, and seeking to ban me from the city centre attempting to strip my right to assemble. The Gardai as seen in the videos were foaming at the mouth charging towards peaceful demonstrators, yet they say we assault them? nice twist. I believe in the right to defend yourself and on this night i was forced to react to a vile assault.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:37:27 +0000

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