On X-MEN Days of Future Past: tbh i hated it prior watching the - TopicsExpress


On X-MEN Days of Future Past: tbh i hated it prior watching the film, but loved it after watching. it is fair to hate, considering the falsity of the movie series, as well as the many contradictions self-made by its own conflicting history. another factor why i expected it to fail, is that it follows what i consider their worst film, being First Class. lastly they had high standards to live up to, as the title marks one of the most famous x-men comic series known to true x-men fans, the issues of course which ive read and remembered. however i thought after 7 films, they finally did 1 completely right. below i will offer my responses to the film, both the good and the bad. Characters: YAY! FOR ONCE WOLVERINE WASNT A MAIN CHARACTER! for those who are true x-men fans, you know hes cool, its just that he doesnt save the day (all the time, which is falsely portrayed in the films). though id rather him die like in this comic series, him not being as important was the next best thing. i didnt like that the future characters as half of em werent supposed to be there and they all basically had no lines, but at least their actions scenes were very entertaining (SPOILER: esp their deaths). iceman for once was awesome, sunspot was a perfect example of true firepower, and blink used her portals to an excess. forge looked badass, but i wish his skill as a fighter/marksman was shown more. colossus and storm were cool but def deserved to talk the most. no clue what they were doing with warpath aside from diversity, which at least for me was much appreciated, as i am native american. lastly, shadowcat should have been sent back, not wolverine, but im glad at least it went well with the movie. i loved the many shadowcat, colossus, iceman love triangle references made through mere body language. sadly, i realized the vast majority of audience/readers have no idea what im talking about, thus a majority of this character content was unnoticed and unappreciated, but for fans like me, this meant everything. looking to the past, trask is not the focus, but only consequence to the decisions of senator kelly who is yet again ignored since x-men1. no clue why he was a midget, but at least he had good lines, though i think he should he have raged more as he one of the most vocal/angry/extermist humans in the series. i loved the many references to the Stryker, and thought it was a perfect explanation to his purposes of evil, hatred of mutants, and focus on Wolverine. quicksilver, was awesome. end of story. if anything had a slightly cooler scene than that of nightcrawlers in x-men2. Past: i thought it weird that wolverine needed either professor or magneto in the first place to stop mystique. i thought it was a big waste of time, esp since every second counted in the future. personally i think it was doable as a solo mission, there were actually no x-men to show in the past. i also thought the return of the brotherhood was important, as they had one scene with the them. however they were weak mutants, so this was easy to forgive as it could be seen as a mystique-heavy scene.beast was odd for me, his human form looked like cyclops and its ridiculous he pretty much transformed like the hulk. his animal movement seemed less awkward than in X3, but still not smoothe like nightcrawler. HE WAS NEVER PHILOSOPHICAL IN THIS ENTIRE FILM WHICH BUGGED ME!!! also i have no idea why he was the only mutant left with charles. lastly he contributed NOTHING in the end, so in all for me, i found him overall pointless. considering the films have done much worse on other characters, this was quick to forgive. also i dont know how a sedative that takes away your powers, has ANYTHING to do with you giving the ability to walk. it doesnt. its more of an absurdity than mutants themselves. as to xavier, i would never trust him after this movie. he started out as a hippy no one could trust, ditched his mutant powers (something hed NEVER tell his students to do), and had no real team. lastly he got beat up several times in the movie and relied more on luck rather than his renowned genius planning. i found it both laughable and ironic that xavier would never control someones mind, and yet so many scenes he brain-hopped humans instead of getting a mutant to take down mystique. merciful yes but HUGE DOUBLE STANDARD TO HIS CAUSE AND EQUALITY OF PEACE BETWEEN MUTANTS AND MAN. aside from that, he went well with the movie. first off the comic DOFP has no sentinels at the time in the past, though i wanted them to have huge guns and torpedos from their arms/chests, eyes. despite this, it only made sense to have them be the first models back then. it made more sense for magneto to use them too, which worked well with the movie but didnt happen in the book, and yet DOES HAPPEN as a classic magneto attack in the generality of the series. i found it disappointing that the final fight scene had so few mutants, and NO Brotherhood but hey, again it somehow worked well without. lastly neither mystique nor magneto are important to the comic DOFP, but at least it worked well with the future implications to the motives of the characters. all of these things though, are literally hard to forget, so i have no clue how in the future, any of this could be forgotten by everyone but Wolverine, but meh. Future: THE OPENING WAS GREAT! i would have preferred more scenes of certain tombstones or a wall scene with wolverine and jubilee, scenes that are integral to the feel of mutant doom of the future. i also have no clue where they were actually located, as it seemed like some badass temple. i think it would have been cooler as a break and enter scene as they did in the comics, but the thought of waiting for your imminent deaths also did the job well i suppose. an emphasis of mutant inhibitors would have also been cool. i think some ambiguous or shadow-depicted deaths would have been more fitting to the comics, but surprisingly theyre interpretation proved quite fulfilling. tbh the sentinels were wrong. both looked nothing like standard sentinels, esp the latter as it seemed more like the robot in The Day The Earth Stood Still. i did like their interpretation of sentinel adaption, though it was completely wrong. it is purely mechanical and NOT based of mystiques DNA. also they adapt after they return from a fight, unless they are nimrod, which i guess was the movies main model. Sentinel scenes that i love, that are classics, and should have been there: sentinel opening the roof from above, sentinel stepping on colussus and then colossus throwing/tipping it over, hand incineration scene (such as the one that kills wolverine in the comics). all in all, i loved the future. Present (SPOILERS): i have no clue why the movie didnt jump to the future, but instead stayed between both past and future. it was nice and refreshing to see the x-men family back again, as its been far too long since xmen 3. however i have no clue how saving the past translate keeping both JEAN AND CYCLOPS ALIVE! stopping the past should have only affected the future, NOT the actions of the Phoenix. but considering X3 was a bad movie, it was a great means of rewriting history, if anything leaving it open ended, thankfully in a positive way. by bringing the xmen back they can finally focus on real movies, which are supposed to involve not the fragments of xmen, not just reflections of SOME characters of the past. for this move, im thankful, even though its not explained well, but maybe to make up for so many movie mistakes, i can say it shouldnt have to be. as to the sneak peaks of Apocalypse...i am looking forward to it, even though im creeped out. Apocalypse is a freaking POWERHOUSE mutant, arguably one the strongest/strategic mutants ever faced by the XMEN. i am sooooo looking forward to who his 4 Horsemen are and what the plot is going to centered on. such characters and plots often fare badly, but we shall see. as this movie was not just a redemption of all the other xmen films prior, and was not just complete, but perhaps we can see it a beginning of the dawn of a new future for the franchise. For once i can say i have seen an xmen movie that does a good job of showcasing who the xmen really are and what type of world they live in. bout time. as i watched the entire movie series in detail over the summer, DOFP was a worthy film to wait and watch. i want to not only thank Bryan Singer for directing this, but also the awesome writers who played their part in the making and truth of the film. i can gladly say this was a fan-made movie. My only recommendations would be to definitely read the book (2 issues and VERY GOOD) and not watch Guardians of the Galaxy (had to sneak that in there haha).
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:21:41 +0000

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