On Youth, Quotes and Words We Spew Its different when youre - TopicsExpress


On Youth, Quotes and Words We Spew Its different when youre young, when your youth was so potent and youre discovering and claiming your own space in the world. You assert yourself, often aggressively, and believe that things can be what you believe they should be. You posit your ideas in ways that may be a little bit childish. I am not saying it is wrong. It is, in fact, important that one expresses what he thinks especially during adoloscence. It is lifes way of teaching us, at a very crucial time,humility when our arguments crumble; and optimism when what we truly believe happens. Lifes responses is preparing us for another stage - maturity. In a world where quotations from great men who have stumbled themselves like any human does are spewn all over social media in massive frequency, we rely on their words to make us feel better. The trouble with that is, what they said were said on a specific context about their experience, their feelings. But life is way much more than one context. Quotes when applied in our daily lives in general crumble in specific situations. And when they fail, we google for another life quote to console us. And so i wish life is as simple as a quote. Once, when youre full of youth, you say what you mean. When you get older, you care less about what others say. In fact, you become more nonchalant about what you think about things and that big thought in your brain implodes. Maybe its because we learn. as the years go by, that it is ineffectual to truly change the world and that we only owe to ourselves the change we need individually to make this place we occupy a little piece of heaven. Oftentimes, as one ages, we learn we need less of the noise and more of peace. In Desiderata, we are told we need less vexations to the spirit. This line becomes truer each passing season. Not only is it something one should ascribe to, it is necessary to find peace. Yes, i am older. Hopefully wiser too to choose my words. #randomthoughts
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 17:20:19 +0000

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