On a Sunday appearance on FOX News Sunday, Williams heated up his - TopicsExpress


On a Sunday appearance on FOX News Sunday, Williams heated up his racial rhetoric. Host Chris Wallace asked Williams, “Do you think that the Republican opposition to this president is racial? Or do you think it’s based on principles and policies?” Complaining about Obama being called out by Republicans for his lawlessness, a fact supported by Obama himself every time he says that he will and did ‘act alone,’ Williams put forth the belief that such claims were just a ruse and accused such claims as being cover for racism. Calling the Tea Party all white and racist, Williams said, “Well, all I can do is look at the numbers. If you look at the core constituency — the people who are in, let’s say, Tea Party opposition, support of impeachment — there’s no diversity. It’s a white, older group of people.” He continued his slander of those in the Tea Party by saying, “I would say if you just break it down as a matter of political analysis and say, ‘Who is this group?’ It reminds me that the Republican Party has become almost a completely white party.” Fellow guest Michael Needham, head of Heritage Action, challenged Williams race-baiting accusations stating, ““You’re the one demonizing people who are concerned about the fact that we have a crisis of the Constitution, with Jonathan Turley, a liberal law professor, just testifying in the last couple weeks. You’re the one demonizing. You’re demonizing good people who are concerned about a president who is completely out of control.” Williams continued his rant not giving up on his racially divisive language. He heatedly stated, “The core constituency, the people who want him impeached, they’re almost all white, and they’re all older and guess what? They’re all in the the far-right wing of the Republican Party.” Perhaps Williams missed former representative Lt. Col. Allen West, who is black, and his call for the impeachment after Obama released five top Taliban terrorist in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl who deserted his post.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:40:48 +0000

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