On a cold, rainy night in Georgia, with even worse weather in - TopicsExpress


On a cold, rainy night in Georgia, with even worse weather in store for some of my family and friends, I thought Id post a positive, uplifting item, that may make some of you breathe a little easier. In October of 1994 I was doing a routine treadmill test when the operator turned the machine off and said Oops. I dont need any oops, I said, whats wrong? Weve got a little glitch, probably nothing. Well, the little probably nothing little glitch turned out to be quite a bit more. A consultation with my cardiologist revealed I needed quadruple bypass surgery, and he wanted to do it that next morning. I said no. Something this important, this life threatening, meant I needed a bit of time to reconcile myself, and to tie off a few loose ends. I got in touch with a handful of old friends and basically told them goodbye, I made my peace with God, and I beat on the walls and shed more than a few tears. Then the first week of November I checked into the hospital for the procedure. A friend of mine had the same procedure I was having just a week prior to mine, and didnt survive it, but I had no choice. It was have the bypass, or not live to see Christmas that year. The doctor explained to me that most of the time these procedures are good for 7 to 10 years, and then something else would have to be done. Well, something else did have to be done, in fact, because I did have to have a stent inserted into one of my arteries. But the good news was that over the years my heart had actually rerouted a new artery around the worst of the old ones, and now here is it, a bit over 20 since I was released from the hospital, and Ive not had any more problems with it. I try to remember to give thanks for this, and to let all of the people that might be looking at the same procedure know that every now and then the doctors get it exactly right, and Im living proof of that. So, if you or a loved one is looking at this procedure, let me shine a ray of light on it for you. It does work, and sometimes even better than they think it will.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 01:01:54 +0000

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