On a completely other rant topic, I was super excited to watch The - TopicsExpress


On a completely other rant topic, I was super excited to watch The Flash tonight, but to my surprise I had found that Optimum had dropped the CW for some reason. So I had posted this to the Optimum Facebooks wall, it doesnt show up on it cause it either has to be approved before appearing or just wasnt accepted....SO that being said, I figured Id share it here cause its bound to make someone laugh: Dearest Optimum So like Im not sure why you guys dropped CW...But I can guarantee its probably going to lead to a loss in customers, if not, at least a lot of vocally angry complaints. Having had friends who have worked as Optimum CSRs, I know youre probably accustom to getting lots of complaints for probably the most asinine things, and I applaud you for dealing with such crazy people and their complaints. However, dropping the CW which is home to many fan favorites such as Supernatural and Arrow, thats probably not gonna bode over well for you. Not to mention single handedly screwing up the ratings for the premier of The Flash this past evening (although if people set it to DVR, it might still be counted in ratings even if it is just a black screen), Im not really entirely sure how that works, not to mention Nielsen Ratings are a bit obsolete with todays technology. CW got some shitty ratings coming their way this week due to you dropping them, and you dropping them resulted in angry customers. So really nobody wins in this scenario. So, as an innocent bystander, I am going to suggest that you lovely people at Optimum and the lovely people at the The CW strongly consider renegotiating whatever your original dispute was and attempt to make everyone happy. On a side note, your Facebook page isnt verified and thats actually shocking to me. You may want to get on making that happen, but what do I know, maybe the person who works at Facebook in charge of that just happens to to be from NY, NJ, or CT and are a die hard CW Network fan. Obviously thats a ridiculous chance, but the odds are way better than winning the lottery, so why risk it? Maybe work that into the negotiation. Maybe that will solve all your problems right there. Maybe if the folks at the CW can get you guys verified, all your problems will be solved. But like I said, what do I know? Maybe later Ill actually take the time to read an article about why this inconvenient drop happened in the first place and have a better understanding. By the way, to the insanely lucky person who operates this page on behalf of Optimum, well wait, you guys should have a team, you do have a team right? Cause if you dont that could be why youre not verified yet. But if you do have a team, well whichever lucky team member is the one who gets to read this comment, I sincerely hope my serious yet sarcastic point of view on this situation has provided a smile and a nice laugh on this wonderful Wednesday Morning. In all seriousness though, I truly do hope you are able to rectify the CW situation cause it really is a shame. And also on a serious note, in the event your Facebook does indeed get verified and make you guys super legit, It would be awesome to have a shout out! Sincerely, Brendan Noble, A hopefully one day more than just Long Island famous Actor, whose mom and dad pay for your awesome services which allow me to type this and use the internet and are for the most part very happy with your services aside from this CW shenanigans. P.S. - In the crazy slim chance you actually respond to this comment aside from using it as your joke material for years to come, if you direct your response to that complete utter nonsense of a signature, major kudos to you for playing along. Have a splendid day! And bring back CW, or I may have to pull in the big guns of Stephen Amell. If you were/are an Arrow fan, like me, youd know he plays the title character on the show, which airs on the CW. And unlike me, hes a world known actor, and has the most insane social media presence of any actor I know (which is crazy cause Im like the hashtag king, but Im not world famous so yeah). He, like the CW and all their shows, are also verified. Maybe the ridiculous notion of them helping you guys get verified wasnt so crazy after all. Okay I think Im done typing now. I think. Yeah, probably a good idea. Okay. Have a good one! #BringBackCW ___________________________________________________________ In the event someone from Optimum actually received that wall post, youre so welcome for making your day! Im sure it will be that must tell story to all your friends about. Damn, maybe I should have used my Brendan Noble page to promote my acting! But I doubt this will result in many likes or friend requests. Ehh, still, I made someones day a bit better, so what could be bad?
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:12:51 +0000

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