On a different front, a major Japanese government research - TopicsExpress


On a different front, a major Japanese government research organization has started, in conjunction with the Pentagon, to manufacture a one meter by two meter sized nuclear reactor that uses so-called spent nuclear fuel rods and is capable of generating 50,000 megawatts (enough for a city), according to a senior researcher. The devices will be built on US military bases to prevent cabal interference, he said. The US Navy will start by using them in submarines and battleships, he said. This move coincides with the announcement of a successful attempt by the US navy to create aviation and rocket fuel out of sea-water using electricity generated by a nuclear power plant. voanews/content/us-navy-lab-turns-seawater-into-fuel/1919512.html It also turns out that Tokyo Gas has already begun marketing fuel cells that provide houses with both heating and electricity. The official Tokyo Gas website says these fuel cells run on natural gas but Japanese government sources say the electricity is generated by extracting hydrogen from water. home.tokyo-gas.co.jp/enefarm_special/enefarm/structure_detail.html The other big move in the energy sector was the announcement by newly elected Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that every household in India will have solar power by 2019. Modi, who is banned from entering the US by the cabal, is definitely not going to go along with the cabal on many other issues, not just solar power. thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/05/20/3439254/india-prime-minister-modi-solar/ If India can do it, so can the rest of the world. If the US had a real government, most US houses could also be solar powered within 5 years. No matter what though, with both China and India now going full speed ahead with solar power, the oil and gas industries can no longer keep the price of solar panels artificially high. The oil and gas industry also saw some big changes come to light last week. The biggest was the announcement by the US Energy Information Administration that US shale oil reserves were only about 30% of what was previously talked about. zerohedge/news/2014-05-22/us-shale-oil-miracle-disappears This means any US talk of replacing Russia as a supplier of gas to Europe is just talk. In this context, Lord Peter Mandelson, described by MI5 as a representative of the Rothschild family, cited US (non-existent) shale oil as part of his backing for a public threat to “freeze Russia out of the global financial system.” telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/10850249/Lord-Mandelson-sees-looming-nightmare-for-Russian-economy-despite-gas-deal.html In specific, he threatened that $700 billion worth of Russian corporate external debt would “not be rolled over.” This is pure bluff. According to the MI5 source, the UK has also been vastly exaggerating its shale gas reserves. It is also clear that it is the Rothschilds, not Russia, who are being frozen out. The $400 billion gas deal Russia announced with China last week means that even if Europe decided to shoot itself in the foot and stop buying Russian gas, Russia has found other customers. What is really at stake here is Rothschild and cabal control over the Western financial system.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 09:26:44 +0000

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