On a tip from G. Fox. Hat tip: Allen West. DHS Head Jeh Johnson: - TopicsExpress


On a tip from G. Fox. Hat tip: Allen West. DHS Head Jeh Johnson: Amnesty Will Cause Terrorists to Submit to Background Checks - VIDEO BELOW Of all the foolish lies that have been excreted by the Obama Administration, a recent remark by Jeh Johnson, the left-wing fundraiser now in charge of our security, takes the prize as the most staggeringly moronic: “From my homeland security perspective, I want people who are living in this country undocumented to come forward, to get on the books, and subject themselves to a background check so that I can know who they are and whether it’s the current DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program or a path to citizenship – whether it’s deferred action or earned path to citizenship. From my homeland security perspective, I want people to come forward.” So that’s why Johnson hasn’t lifted a finger to secure the border, despite the escalating terror threats from the Islamic State and al Qaeda. Once the election is over and Obama declares amnesty, the dozens if not hundreds of terrorists who have been taking advantage of the undefended border to sneak into the country will turn themselves in to the authorities. Seeing is believing: That he made this clown Secretary of Homeland Security tells you all you need to know regarding Obama’s feelings for this country.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 17:23:55 +0000

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