On a whim decided to buy a last minute 11pm ticket to see - TopicsExpress


On a whim decided to buy a last minute 11pm ticket to see Interstellar. It has it all. Stunning visuals, production, and score. From a standard perspective, things like extra dimensions, promises, connections, humor of artificial intelligence, human instincts..dont share a lot in common. Interstellar reacts and warps these and others into a timeless story of humans exploration of life and why were all here. If youve ever thought about love in a way no words can truly describe, if youve ever wondered what the fundamental questions are, if youve ever looked up at the stars and felt something more, maybe that some of the answers are out there, waiting for us to reach them..watch Interstellar. If my deep somewhat crazy review isnt enough for you, maybe Matthew McConaughey is. He was powerful and inspiring. I might be up all night thinking about him...er...Did I mention how much I love Matthew McConaughey? Ok ok so maybe my man Matt doesnt do it for you. If youre a physics nerd this movie is a must. How about some special effects driven by Einsteins relativity equations, produced by a special effects team lead by top American Physicist Kip Thorne. They created a new scientific discovery. With the discovery you can see (I personally recommend in IMAX) the most gorgeous and scientifically accurate computer simulation of a black hole ever created. Details here: businessinsider/interstellar-black-hole-physics-discovery-2014-11 And for anyone whos watched the movie I blogged about a fundamental plot driver of the movie..before the movie came out ironically enough (LINK POTENTIALLY CONTAINS SPOILERS) tinyurl/mkfp26x Justin Colin I figure you two would be interested in this. Tl;dr - Go see interstellar if you think space is cool, or love is cool, or Matthew McConaughey is cool, or Im cool.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 08:14:48 +0000

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