On behalf of the ESMS Grades of Green team, I am proud to announce - TopicsExpress


On behalf of the ESMS Grades of Green team, I am proud to announce that as of today, the ESMS TRASH FREE LUNCH CHALLENGE is officially in effect... :) There is an exciting green movement happening all around us - it’s called the TRASH FREE LUNCH CHALLENGE. The concept is simple. We want kids to bring lunches that don’t generate any trash. It’s a way to get us all thinking twice about how much trash we toss and a great way to save you and the school money! How about using a thermos or reusable water bottle in lieu of juice boxes or disposable water bottles? Forget the Ziploc bags. Buy things like raisins, pretzels, and yogurt in bulk instead of individually wrapped packages and send them to school in a reusable container. Send your child with a cloth napkin as opposed to a paper napkin and plastic ware that can be washed and reused. And don’t stop at just once per week, challenge your family to pack a trash-free lunch everyday of the week! Did you know that Los Angeles County throws away enough trash in one day to fill the Dodger Stadium? Landfills are full and overflowing. Incinerators pump contaminants into the air. Communities are battling over who will accept the nation’s trash. We all enjoy these conveniences, but few of us are willing to allow new landfills and incinerators to be built in our own backyards. Much of the trash we generate comes from the packaging on the food we buy, and lunch foods are no exception. In fact, it has been estimated that on average a school-age child using a disposable lunch generates 67 pounds of waste per school year. That equates to 18,760 pounds of lunch waste for just one average-size elementary school. So take a step and pack your child a trash-free lunch. The earth will be glad you did! Please visit gradesofgreen.org for more information and tips. Let’s make ESMS “TRASH FREE” instead of “TRASHY!” Join the movement because - its cool to be green! :)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 04:20:12 +0000

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