On behalf of the President and newly elected Executive Committee, - TopicsExpress


On behalf of the President and newly elected Executive Committee, I warmly extend my “Seasons Greetings” and wish you all, in advance, a Very Happy New Year. I take this opportunity to inform you that the Executive Committee elected by you had met informally on 18th and formally and has taken full charge. The President and the members of the Executive Committee have already started spending sometime in looking into our mutual issues, problems and solutions. As part of our responsibility, to enable us to discharge our responsibilities to your satisfaction, the Committee requests your total cooperation and understanding. We assure you that we will be acting in the best interests of the Association and each one of you, in an objective and transparent manner. To enable us to do so satisfactorily and openly, we welcome suggestions, ideas and even advices from each of you, from time to time, all of which can be sent by email to [email protected] or [email protected]. We have decided to set up SCBA emergency helpline for members only so that bar can help its members during their emergent requirements. The dedicated emergency numbers will be communicated to the members as soon as they are set up. We would like all members to remain in touch with us, through emails and would really look forward to innovative and out of box ideas from you. We would be available for you for any urgent help in so far as we would be in position to extend help. Respected Seniors, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, the vision of the President and the Executive Committee is that we want to make a difference in achieving our salutary aims and objections which are as under: i)To promote upholding of rule of law; ii) To encourage profession of law in India; iii)To promote and protect the privileges, interest and prestige of the association and to promote, union and co-operation among the advocates practicing in the court and other association and advocates; iv) To promote and maintain high standards of profession among members of the Bar. v)To establish and maintain an adequate library for the use of the members and to provide other facilities and convenience to the members; vi)To watch the state of law, progress of legislation and administration of justice and to take such steps as may be necessary for their progress and reform; vii) To express opinion on proposed legislation and other matters of interest and to make representation in respect there of; viii) To take necessary steps to prevent and remedy an abuse of law or mal-administration of justice; ix)To make representation from time to time to the authorities on matters affecting the Bar; x)To acquire and safeguard the right and privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of the association; xi) To arrange for raising funds for legal aid and to do everything applying of funds that may be necessary to that end; xii)To promote and participate in All India Lawyers Association and activities connected therewith; xiii)To adopt all such matters as might be necessary or incidental to the carrying out of the aforesaid objects; xiv)To take measures including founding and applying aid to deserving members of the association and employees; xv)To conduct and hold seminars, symposia, conference on issues and topics of interest to the legal profession and to disseminate information in this behalf; xvi)To promote the welfare of the members of the association. Please join us in our struggle to achieve at least some of them as quickly as possible. I am saddened to inform you that the Objective No.xiv i.e. “To take measures including founding and applying aid to deserving members of the association and employees” is something where we are singularly lagging behind The President has made it clear that if the Association is unable to help its members in their emergent need, then, he would personally deem it as a failure on our part. He has already kicked off the campaign to collect welfare fund by contributing a sum of Rs.50 lakhs towards this fund personally. The Executive Committee has decided that a separate welfare scheme would be created to help out members during their emergent needs. All SCBA members can join this programme by contributing a minimum onetime amount which has been unanimously decided to be as follows: (a) Minimum Rs.5000/- for all SCBA Members with a standing of less than 15 years at the Bar. (b) Minimum Rs.15000/- for all SCBA members with a standing of 15 years or more at the Bar. (c) Minimum Rs.35,000/- for Designated Senior Advocates. Further the Executive Committee urges and calls upon all SCBA Members who are in a position to extend help to this fund, to donate generously. The Executive Committee has decided that this fund will be placed under independent control of a responsible body and will be audited separately to ensure strict and fair utilisation. The disbursements to those members of the Association who have a genuine need will be strictly on merit basis, to be examined and approved by independent panel of senior most lawyers whose names will be communicated in due course. The modalities of SCBA Welfare Scheme are being worked out and will also be communicated shortly. The Executive Committee has also decided that SCBA Consultation Room and Arbitration Room in M.C. Setalvad Chambers Block will be completely spruced up and old directories which have become eye-sore and have turned into serious hygiene and space issue, will be removed immediately. Old and torn books will be removed and space will be made better for effective and functional utilisation for younger members of the bar who do not have chambers. The President has also taken a lead in this regard and has decided to contribute 6 computers to be installed in consultation room of M.C. Setalvad Chambers Block. We also propose to install SCC software on these computers and make it available for young members at reasonable rates. We have also taken a decision to remove the old and unhealthy carpet from the Arbitration Room of M.C. Setalvad Chambers Block and spruce it up to give it a more presentable and pleasant feel. The usage charges of the Arbitration Room will also be revised accordingly. The Committee has resolved that a space will be identified and appropriately prepared, which will serve as a reception area, where the clients can wait for their lawyers and meet them. This will be particularly useful for younger lawyers who do not have chambers and therefore face acute hardships even for basic interaction, meeting and conference with their clients, who come from across the country. The Executive Committee has shortlisted some areas for this purpose and will pursue the same for time bound approvals and execution. The Committee is also looking into infrastructural changes with our extremely limited resources and even more physical constraints, but we have started acting since yesterday and you would perhaps see some significant changes soon. As part of this, if any inconvenience caused to you, we extend our apology in advance but assure you that every such action is in the larger interest of the Association and its members.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:35:23 +0000

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