On goals and progress: This may sound superficial, insensitive, - TopicsExpress


On goals and progress: This may sound superficial, insensitive, or at best simplified. However when it comes to goals that we set, that I set, each week there really is sense of black and white when it comes down to whether or not I accomplish those goals. If I stated at the beginning of my week that I want to accomplish XYZ and then at the end of the week I have not accomplished XYZ it boils down to one of two reasons. First reason, I was not realistic about my starting point and therefore had unrealistic goals. Second reason, I just didnt really want what I thought that I wanted. Because the truth is Im master of excuses. I can justify to myself why I didnt accomplish my goals for that week. I was tired, I was busy, I ran out of time, I didnt feel good, the list goes on and on doesnt it? When I really take a hard look at why I didnt meet my goals it just means something in that moment became more important to me then what I claimed to have wanted for myself at the beginning of the week. Examining this pattern that we all slip into so easily, this habit, I was reminded recently about keeping true to your word. We like to think of ourselves as having integrity and being true to our word. But if we only keep our word in relation to other people then we neglect the most important person we need to be honest to whom is our self. Im not saying its wrong to occasionally choose sleep over exercise, or to choose a good conversation over reading a book. What I am saying is when we continue to repeatedly set goals, the same goal week after week after week and yet the end of the week comes and we havent met those goals, arent we just lying to ourselves about what we really want, and what were willing to do to accomplish those goals? Id rather not be a fool. Id rather be honest with myself and say what is truly important then to continue to break my word to myself. Because the moment that I allow myself to continually break my word to myself it makes it that much easier to break my word to other people. And I want to be known as a person of integrity . And so Im reminded that that starts with me. My goal in writing this is to say that Im tired of setting goals to accomplish XYZ at the beginning of my week, getting to the end of the week and looking back at the excuses I made, the things that were more important to me than my original goal. When I can look back at my week and see that I have actually accomplished what I set out to, in fact usually Ive gone above and beyond what I stated I was going to do, I have more confidence in myself, I feel like Im moving ahead, and I feel like I am unstoppable. I also feel more importantly that I am and have been a person of integrity that week. So my challenge to you my friend is to join me this next week in being a person integrity not only to those around you, but first and foremost to yourself. Take a hard look at your current reality, and what it is you want to accomplish this week. Find a clear understanding of why you want those goals and a strategic plan to accomplish them. And if at the end of the week you followed your plans and did what you said you were going to do Im curious how that boost your confidence and how successful that made you feel. Ill report back next week once I have kept my word to myself as well.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:53:17 +0000

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