On my Journey this morning I got out the door a little earlier, I - TopicsExpress


On my Journey this morning I got out the door a little earlier, I think it was honestly the Lord had me move quicker this morning for this one reason, there might have been other reasons, but what happen was is I was running through the post office parking lot and saw this young man, maybe in his low 20s. I think I scared him a little bit, I took my earphones out and said good morning!!!!!!!!! He looked like he was either ashamed, afraid and lost. I took the bold step and said hey man I am just out for a morning jog/walk but if you need someone to talk to or pray with I am your man, my time is your time. As I would like to say there was a happy ending that was not the case, He ran off and said Not today. I paused a few moments and prayed right where I was. Not sure if he was running from something, running from circumstances that see out of his control or maybe He had no place to run to, but I believe in divine appointments and this is one that the Lord intended for me to see. Maybe I will not know this week, next month, but I am sure of the fact that one day I will see Him again and remember this moment. I continued on my journey, had some Christmas music playing and some other good ole gaither style foot stomping hallelujah shouting type of music and I came across the scene I took a picture of a lawn set up as a nativity scene. I stood there in amazement at the fact as a reminder that this is what it was all about Lord, You came for my friend at the post office this morning. We celebrate the hope today of the fact that we know that very soon, this babe that was born in a manger will soon be coming back as the king of Glory. The Christmas Story in todays world portrays Christ birth, the wise men stopping by, the shepherds crusing by happened all in one night, but they did not have a boeing 757 no they came by either feet or camel back to follow the star to see this precious babe in a manger, the savior of the world. May we all this season live in such hope, and if we have someone that the Lord places in our path may we share that beautiful star of Bethlehem that leads them to a Savior longing to love on them, Have a Blessed night all.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:28:19 +0000

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