On my early cold morning walk with Penelope this morning, we - TopicsExpress


On my early cold morning walk with Penelope this morning, we greeted Bubblesocks a small dog wanting attention in his front yard. He saw us walking up the road and started his greeting. Tails wagged, smells were exchanged and a woof and we continued on our trail. My how nice the houses are looking with their Christmas decorations, and what pride folks have in their homes. As the leaves are off of the trees in the woods I noticed something I had not seen before, four full grown holly trees. I first noticed that those trees still have green leaves on them, and then on closer observation that they were Holly trees. As I got closer I saw how healthy they were and the bright red berries on them. Wow, what a neat surprise, like a Christmas gift. I have holly bushes in the yard but these trees were over twenty feet tall ! Isnt that something all year I walked the same area and didnt see them until the cold month of December. How often we look but do not see, we listen but do not hear, we feel but do not act? Beauty is all around us ! Let us enjoy our week my friends as we find the joys we may have missed by looking again at what we may have taken for granted. It might delight and surprise you, as those holly trees did me. Coffee is ready, God bless and have a wonderful week! Dear Father in Heaven, Thank You, for this wonderful day and for the welcome greetings of friends and Your surprises that abound. You are Great and Wonderful, thank You for blessing us with so much. Help us to find those who are seeking to buy happiness this season as we travel this path together. And give us the means and words to share with them the story of the Greatest Gift of all, that of a child born in a manger and the Gift He gave us, the Gift of Grace (forgiveness). Help us to share that Love and Grace this Christmas Season. Please protect our military, our police, our firefighters and all who are there to help us. Protect our country and our schools and please heal those who are suffering and ill. In Jesus the Christs name we pray. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 14:40:38 +0000

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