On my journey this morning, it was cold ;) the wind was blowing - TopicsExpress


On my journey this morning, it was cold ;) the wind was blowing again and again!!!!!!! You could say Larry was chilling out. I was babying my right foot as of last Friday I had a nice little blister that decided to cause havoc so I did not do much running at all this morning. I still was able to do the bell ringing for Salvation Army then of course the Christmas parade so I think I made up for not running in the 5k Saturday morning. This morning I was singing as I was continuing my journey, just the Lord and I. Strangely enough I was reflecting on the day of Pentecost when the disciples of Jesus was up in the upper room and they were “all in one accord”. No I am not talking about the car, I am talking about the fact that they were in one mind, one heart, and one focus. Jesus had just ascended to Heaven and Jesus had promised a comforter to come when He left. I got thinking as I was dealing with this wind this morning about the fact of the issues that have distracted us as people in the USA, the world this past year. Many scandals, deaths, murders, racial issues, terrorism. The Holy Spirit spoke clearly to me about the fact that if I spent more time in His word and in prayer I would become less distracted with what is going on in this world. Yes, the news is important but the good news is the most of importance as it causes us beware of the tactics of the enemy. If Satan can distract us He is going to do it, he will and has put a great divided amongst His people. Just look at your own life, what prevents you from growing in your walk with the Lord? Distractions, time, your flesh, and how many excuses can we make to avoid the truth? The Holy Spirit truly wants to bring that mighty rushing wind to His body, to His church, but what are we willing to do to get to this point in our lives where we will tell the devil to go to Hell and stay there. We remember in Mark chapter 8 Jesus foretells of His death and resurrection and Peter was quick to step up and say Oh No Lord it can’t be? Jesus quickly rebuked Peter and said “Get thee behind me Satan” for you are not setting your eyes on the things of God, but on the things of man.” As we enter 2015 may we make sure that we have our eyes fixed on the things of God and let the things of God set precedent in our lives.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:36:14 +0000

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