On my way back from the prison yesterday, as I was singing and - TopicsExpress


On my way back from the prison yesterday, as I was singing and worshiping The Lord in my car, I heard one word…”gradient”. This morning the Divine conversation continued… The Lord says that My people are entrapped in an area they were once delivered from. They prefer to remain in the gray area because it has many levels in which they can hide. The Lord says that this form of bondage has plagued My people from the time I chose them. They refuse to raise their heads from this gray area because of the numerous choices they can make, feeding their comfort from the gates established in the North, South, East and West. The Lord says that this colorless land can offer nothing more than delay, idleness and death. It is a place that is separated from My presence because choice has been idolized like the ancient calf. This choice is to be an eternal path to My bosom but instead My people have allowed it to be raised higher than Me. My Word has been compartmentalized and forced into the gradient…where My people wade in the thick mire of complacency, birthed by the many choices solicited to them in this place. The Lord says My children make their choices as frivolous as a marketplace selection, but they do not see that the currency they trade with is their eternal inheritance. They trade and make purchases as quickly as the passing of time. The Lord says the gradient has deceived them into houses of worship, where songs are sung, where words are spoken and where tears are shed…but they are not within My properties. My children follow the musical note, follow man’s word, follow dry worldly appeal but I am not in those places. They cry for miracles but receive none! They shout for deliverance but remain bound! They dance in an effort to turn My head, but I cannot be moved! They return to their homes, speaking of spiritual events, but they continue in their addictions and conformity, returning to their untransformed lives. If they truly had been in My presence, they would have seen the fog that encircles them, their families and their children. Their lives would be sacrifices to Me rather than monuments to this world…passing their dying brother on the side of the road would have been impossible…had they not been in the gradient. The Lord says the gradient has overtaken the land and has deceived the people. In their frenzies, in their gatherings, in their sessions and in their homes, the dry and ever arid dust from a land thirsty for My Spirit continues to rise. The Lord says to come out from the gradient. Come out from among the masses. Remove yourself from these places and seek My Word. Hear My Word. Run towards My Voice. Yes…the Lord says, then you will find your needs met. Yes…the Lord says, then you will see the unusual and miraculous manifestations you have desired from the beginning. My Word contains the answers you search for! My Word contains the directions you seek! My Word will heal you! My Word will raise you from the grip of death! As your time here dwindles…remove yourself from the gradient…from the countless shades of corrupt choices. The Lord says, no more distractions, no more…My Word and only My Word will bring you to my bosom says The Lord!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:23:07 +0000

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