On our way home from our morning walk, Zoey and are were across - TopicsExpress


On our way home from our morning walk, Zoey and are were across the street, about a half a block from our back door. I saw a tall man standing on the sidewalk near our steps and so I stopped becauseI didnt want to cross the street and have Zoey confront him. He was talking on the phone and being basically clueless about anything going on around him. There were cars parked in the street street so I couldnt see anything at ground level. Zoey was hot and tired. I was hot and tied. The guy was just pacing, talking on the phone. Finally we started to cross and then I saw the little dog. Terrier/Corgi/mixed-up mutt. Off leash, of course. Clueless guy is still just chatting on the phone. I walk back across the street and pace a little bit. But we have been out for an hour and its hot and we both need water. I start walking closer, with 75 pounds of solid muscle pulling me like a tank. Clueless guy puts the leash on his dog, keeps talking on the phone, and then, instead of walking on down the sidewalk, he walks up MY steps. I do all the normal things we do with Zoey. I tell her to leave it. I give her a correction and move in the opposite direction. I tell her to let him pass. Except he isnt moving anywhere except up the stairs to our patio which leads to our back door. He motions with his hand for me to go on by. I am in the middle of the street. He is still on the phone talking about food and where to eat dinner. I point to the stairs and tell him I live there. Zoey is barking, snarling, doing her whirling dervish routine. She grabs the leash and tugs and growls. And he stands there staring at me. I tell him I LIVE THERE. He tells me he heard me the first time but he doesnt move. We are standing 25 feet away from him and he can go either direction but the clueless guy just keeps on talking on his phone and blocking the access to our apartment while Zoey is going crazy. My hands are killing me trying to hold Zoey back. She sets herself into a stance, head focused on him, barking and growling. Then Mr. Clueless lets his dog OFF the frigging leash again and saunters TOWARD us to flip me off then finally turns away. Zoey is going nuts. I am near tears. When we get in the apartment Zoey runs for her water and I collapse on the floor, feeling like I have failed Zoey. Normally when we walk there are always two or three people that are her triggers, people who will cause her to lunge and bark but I can always get her to stop, to settle. But not this time. This time I feel like a failure until it dawns on me that the strange man was on our steps and she was protecting me, protecting her home, from someone who didnt belong there. Good dog, Zoey.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 20:16:41 +0000

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