On religious views, last week i watched a video that explained how - TopicsExpress


On religious views, last week i watched a video that explained how religion is a tool to enslave people, in my many years as Christian i decided a long time ago that i would never bury my head in the sand, i would never reject information no matter how dangerous it may be viewed. I remember the first video was a documentary on what actually happens in these healing crusades, and they even followed up people who claimed to have been healed, and the discoveries were startling as most of them were as sick as before. That shook my beliefs because what they presented ws real, and it confronted my long held fears on things i noticed but convinced myself that its evil ideas planted by the devil. I have watched documentaries that raised questions on Christianity and I used to say that if God is real he must prove himself beyond certain theories viewed as anti God/Christ and Religion. Most of these documentaries raise critical issues, though I dont usually agree with their conclusions. Some of these issues are what make some to conclude that i am an atheist because my beliefs go beyond the normal untested, unresearched shallow emotional views shared in pulpit under the guise of preaching. I have grown to understand that as the bible says that i must work out my own salvation, that my faith can either enslave me or liberate me, and if it were to liberate me i must shatter all boundaries set to me by organised religion and chart a path for myself and others that is not detached from socio political and economic realities and how spirituality takes centre stage in these. The idea that the practical can be taken out of the bible, turned into the theoretical and then the symbolic and given to people in a total different format and messge than what was originally communicated in the bible was not for me. The first concept i confronted was the scripture about Isaac sowing in a land and in harvest time reaping a 100 fold return. The modern day preachers turned this agricultural reality into a hyper spiritual symbolism and in effect managed to convince people that sowing seed into a land meant that thy must give money to them, and God will in effect turn that gift multiplied by 100. I said thats utter madness! This amongst others for instance the participation of Christians in the economy, education,socially etc as well as bringing fresh ideas in public discourse. My point is, religion doesnt have to become a joke, religious people dont have to be viewed by society as unthinking, naive, unrealistic, hypocritical, blind followers. The boundaries set even by those who had alterior motives by introducing religion must be shattered. Or else as society becomes enlightened, religion would lose its relevance.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:52:59 +0000

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