On the 17th June 2005 a beautiful bay filly came into our lives. - TopicsExpress


On the 17th June 2005 a beautiful bay filly came into our lives. By our fabulous Royal Geneve out of the mare Osprey B. She was everything and more we could have wished for. Beautiful looks, excellent type and movement to die for. She sparked a lot of interest from buyers. In September of that year she was awarded a 1st Premium by the KWPN graders in the careful hands of Debbie Murray. She was the second highest scoring foal out of all the foals presented in Scotland. We were so so excited and proud of our superstar in the making. Jenni Benson from South Afrika asked to buy her and we agreed to her move to a brand new continent. She was to stay with us in quarantine until 2006 ready for being shipped. Sadly in January 2006 we lost her wonderful sire. My beloved Ashanti was the only youngster we still had by him (even though we had and still have his frozen semen). I decided I could not part with my gorgeous girl and thankfully Jenni was kind enough to understand me cancelling her sale. So she remained with us and I was thrilled to have my Royal Geneve daughter. In 2009 the girl I called Big A had her first foal, MFS EROS by the KWPN stallion Sandreo. She was the most wonderful kind mother. She doted on her babies. EROS was sold to a fabulous dressage home where he still remains with his young talented rider. In 2010 she had a full sister to MFS EROS, whom we called MFS FIRST LADY who this year as a four year old is about to start her dressage debut with the wonderful Sarah Bosomworth. In 2011 she had a year off being a mother, and in 2012 she bred the stunning colt MFS HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS by GLOCKS JOHNSON TN. This outstanding colt caught the eye of another great dressage rider in Jody Haswell Dressage. No longer a colt, but has all the attributes of a top level dressage horse for the future under the expert guidance of Jody. Lastly in 2013 she gave us a stunning filly by World Champion stallion FLORENCIO I. We named the gorgeous lady MFS I CANDY. Amazingly, as if by fate, this fabulous filly remains with us, as our hidden gem. People who have seen her in the flesh cannot believe she was still with us with her drop dead looks, but despite being for sale and what I now feel is by some twist of fate nobody has purchased her. So she will now remain with us now in full honour of her mother. Our Big A started her decline yesterday. We knew she was not 100% and put it down to some mild colic, so called on the assistance of one of our vets from Deveron Vet Practice. Claire thought it was a mild colic and could not find anything else, as heart, colour, rectal, gut noises etc were near normal. She gave her some mild painkiller and then left. Later on last night she was still no better, so another call to Hamish the vet, who arrived the back of 10pm. Everything was checked from rectal, heart, breathing, gut noises etc etc. In between pawing the ground she was eating, so none of us were overtly concerned for a start. Hamish said it could be mild colic but he was more of the opinion that the foal was lying wrong and making her uncomfortable. So a higher dose of pain killers was given. He then went on another call and came back around 11pm. Again checked her over again and still similar mild signs. So we were told to monitor her during the night and if anything got worse to phone straight away. Well her symptoms came and went all night, but by 5am she seemed to take more of a turn. So he was called again. By this point we were also in discussions with the vets at the Royal Dick Vet Hospital in Edinburgh (some 5-6 hour drive away). It was the vets there that advised Hamish to check for uterine torsion. So in he went and asked me to go in after him. Indeed you could feel the whole twist of the uterus, about a good foot long. Discussions then ensued regarding her prognosis and in conjunction with Edinburgh we had two options. Either take her to Edinburgh for surgery, with no guarantee for the mare and definitely not for the foal given it would be another 5 to 6 hours before we got their and the torsion was likely already cutting off blood to the uterus, or put her to sleep. We discussed the option of trying to use a plank to right her uterus, but this has to be done under general anaesthetic, with a lot of people and a lot of space, and in a padded area for when the horses come round. There is also no guarantee that it will work as you need to know which direction the twist is in. So after another discussion on all the different avenues and probabilities, given how her symptoms were getting worse and the fact I was not sure she would endure a 5-6 hour travel to Edinburgh, we felt that we only had the option of putting her to sleep. So, just like Bella, I said my goodbyes. Stroked her face and told her how much I loved her and how much she would be missed, she nuzzled the tears from my face........and seconds later she and her Cayden foal were gone.......... Poor Hamish gave me a hug and said we had done the right thing, and in our hearts we know we could not do anything more, but it does not take away the heartbreaking pain of losing my beloved daughter of Royal Geneve. Another piece of him is gone..... I am very much lost tonight. Cannot believe we have lost Bella and Ashanti in the space of 12 days, not to mention their foals. Both such young mares with so much more still to give us. These girls are our life, and we have given up so much to give them the best we can.......yet they have been taken from us so young. Yes I am grateful I have daughters by both of them, but this will not fill the void of my Bella and Big A. Goodnight girls, may you take care of each other over the rainbow bridge.......love always xxxxx The two pictures I have put with this is of you as a foal and latterly as the beautiful mare you were with your filly of 2013. xxx
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:14:16 +0000

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