On the 22nd of July early in the morning I started my journey down - TopicsExpress


On the 22nd of July early in the morning I started my journey down to West Virginia, to a city called Huntington. This trip that took me through Massachusetts, New York, Part of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and into West Virginia, and it for me was not just about going to see a friend. I wanted to take this journey, by bus, so I could see parts of America I have never seen before. In my journey I have seen many people and being who I am, I was helping those in need. I saw older people with large bags they could barely drag, and I helped them, a gentleman needed to call his wife but his phone did not have service out here, I let him borrow mine for a few minutes so he could let his family know where he was and that he was on his way home. I had lost my own bag which I hope to reclaim in Buffalo today/Tonight when I arrive. And I still without what meager resources I have gave a spare bottle of water to a man and his girlfriend who had no money to get a drink. I would have given them too if at the time I had the ability. While this trip is nice there is something I have seen that really bothered me. I was raised to be kind, polite, and a gentleman, and yet all around me I see people being rude to each other for no reason that I can seem to understand alone. I would hold a door and people gave me glares for being kind to them and not even saying thank you. Sure, I can go without the thank you but I know when someone glares at you with disapproval. When did it become wrong to hold the door for people. We now live in a world where it seems rare to find people, who are willing to help others just from the kindness of their heart. I a few times have been given weary looks when I am offering to do something kind on this trip. They expect some ulterior motive and yet I just want to be kind. Go out and be kind and helpful, if you see someone struggling don’t just ignore them, offer to help, forgive someone if they make a mistake, do not yell or be angry. In these times the world needs people to be kind to each other. We need to get over our differences and stop being so stubborn. Be kind to your friends and be kind to your neighbors, if you are wronged politely let the other know how they have wronged you and figure out why, we are all human and mistakes happen. I am no literary genius or anything, hell I consider myself very poor in my native language of English, but I hope this gets my message across. Be kind, have a good day everyone.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 22:17:46 +0000

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