On the 9th day God Looked down and saw the Marines were hurting - TopicsExpress


On the 9th day God Looked down and saw the Marines were hurting from their promenading with their ladies and realized that some may even be injured while using his sword to combat Satan and evil. So God looked at the second best creatures he had created and had cast off to live a life at sea. God realized that a select few of these creatures did not have shabby beards or long sideburns but rather kept their fur high and tight. God realized that some of these creatures would be suitable to live among and care for His Marines who became ill or injured and he called these creatures Corpsman and drew them from the sea to live amongst and care for His Marines. On the 10th day God continued to review his creations and he saw that his beloved Marines and their Corpsmen had no place to live. They had no place to clean the magnificent temples he had created. Worse, God realized that his beloved Marines had no place to cool their beer. Pondering solutions for this condition God realized that there were more of these slimy creatures and although they were slimy with long beards and sideburns they possessed skills not known to many. God realized he gave these creatures special powers. These creatures could create something out of nothing. These slimy creatures were happy to be slimy because they worked before sunlight and long after sunset. They were able to complete difficult tasks immediately while the impossible tasks took just a little longer. God withdrew them from the sea because his beloved Marines needed them. God called these creatures SEABEES because they could work on the land and on or under the sea. God came to love these SEABEES very much. He loved them so much so that he provided them with Marines to protect them as a big brother would protect his little brother. God realized that he had made the perfect union and thought to himself, No not everyone can be a Marine but a select few are worthy to serve and be brothers with His Marines.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 22:03:14 +0000

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