** On the Brain ** Im Confused as to How Exactly can people say: - TopicsExpress


** On the Brain ** Im Confused as to How Exactly can people say: STOP RACISM but at the very same time say: This is for Young Black Men Only ...... or How Exactly can people say: STOP RACISM but the KKK Still Exists Knowledge is Power... There is ONLY One Race ---> The HUMAN Race.!! Until Everyone Understands That FACT we will all continue to be judged by our skin tone, but if you think the Judicial system or Police will change because of Trending protests then you dont truly understand the problem. They Know that after a couple months it will die down! See, when you REALLY want change you have to stand UNIFIED and If you gonna boycott then Boycott EVERYTHING... You cant boycott Black Friday but shop every other day of the week, You have to Boycott Shopping PERIOD, for everything except for food and necessities! If you want the Police to change We Have To RAISE Respectful Police Officers! If you want the Judicial System to change You have to Stop Running From and Complaining about Jury Duty! At the end of the day, the hype will die down and the problem will STILL exist.!! Yes Black Live Matter... But White Lives Also Matter... Latin Lives Also Matter... Asian Lives Also Matter.!! We cant continue to Breed Racism and then Cry About It... Even if other races continue to be Racist.!! Just Stop for a Second and think About This.!! Every Human is a King and Queen, the color of your skin does NOT determine that. Its Also Amazing to Me How the Black Community Will March and Riot to Fix the Judicial System & Police Force... But I Say Lets Fix Ourselves and Our Youth FIRST and I get called Ignorant.!! Remember you cant stand in front of a Judge as a Certified Lawyer UNLESS you Pass the Bar... So If We Fix Our Youth to Be Respectful and Value Life, then Our Protests will be More Meaningful because they will have NOTHING Solid to use against Us.!! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER ... Dont Be Fooled By The Hype!! #Blaze
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:01:04 +0000

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