On the Josh Broomberg Saga. Firstly, Id like to say that perhaps - TopicsExpress


On the Josh Broomberg Saga. Firstly, Id like to say that perhaps I hadnt realized just how powerful the Social Networks are. Wildfire has nothing on the FaceBook bandwagon. I must admit, I was quick to judge and sentence Josh and even sent out petitions for you to sign which would validate how I felt. I read and occasionally commented on a few posts. I knew who was for and who was against. The bickering between us at times was quite scary. Anyway, I needed to step away from Facebook for a while to really question what I am doing. How brave of me to sit at a computer with the support of tens of thousands of my peers and bully a 17 year old boy. Whoopy Joel - what a man, what a man. Seriously though, what am I doing ? In no way am I condoning his donning of Palestinian garb, especially in a position of youth role model, but I need to realize that this is a 17 year old boy who must have many personal insecurities and is at the age of trying to find an identity in life. Yes I know, wearing Palestinian scarves was not the way to go and I agree, it is NOT okay - but should I condemn this boy ? Is my slate squeeky-clean ? All Im really saying is this boy is being shunned by us, his community, and is at the age where suicide would not be too far-fetched. Is that really what I want ? To forgive is to change the future; not the past. G-D bless us all !
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:33:58 +0000

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