On the SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM, and the SCOTTO: As a non Scottish person, all I can say is that it was about time that the Scottish People were able to exercise the right of self-determination with the best tool of Direct DemoCracy, the Referendum. Whatever the outcome of this Referendum, the will of the Scottish People must be respected. In DemoCracy it is entirely and ONLY up to the People to decide if, with whom and how to get together with other People. Should anybody else decide instead of the People, you do not get a DemoCracy but a Regime. Westminster politicians of all parties are obviously all united on the Unionist front. I have heard a few debates and the thing that most surprises me is the threat of the Unionist menacing that, should the Independentist win, the rest of the UK would not allow Scotland to use the Pound as a national currency. In my opinion this threat is stupid; a bit like the husband that wants to cut his balls off to spite his wife. In fact, should Scotland not be allowed to use the Pound, the rest of the UK would loose even more economic weight and the value of the Pound would suffer an even heavier depreciation (sell pounds if you can!). In fact, in my opinion the threat should work the other way around: the Scottish People should strive to be able to print their own national currency ( the SCOTTO ;-]]] ) in order to also conquest Monetary Sovereignty.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:33:03 +0000

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