On the Sadhvi controversy, at the outset let me clear that I - TopicsExpress


On the Sadhvi controversy, at the outset let me clear that I condemn her speech and personally think she should be sacked.Her statement would actually damage BJPs prospects in Delhi which has significant middle class vote. The media has taken her on and deservingly so. On the other hand, the opposition are hypocrites to demand her resignation because they are applying standards that they have never followed. Has any leader in last 20 years in India ever resigned for bad language? Can the opposition which boasts of Ajit Pawar, Beni Prasad Verma, Salman Khursheed, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Azam Khan and others talk of language norms. And TMC is a special case, i will include a Telegraph article at the end. We say Jatha Raja Tatha Praja. In Democracy it is the other way round. The era of gentleman leaders who came from elite well educated backgrounds is long over. Today, many leaders have come from the same grassroots that they represent, a fact catalysed by the middle class boycott of politics as a career. To expect parliamentary behaviour from them is perhaps too much. Are not MCs and BCs frequently used in day to day language by the common man? And leaders addressing street corner meetings are indeed addressing the same common man, though unfortunately TV cameras are talking it to the Nation and the outraged middle class as mega-amplified by Arnab Goswami. The second is that we are any exceedingly heterogenous country, divided by english education, urban boundaries, net connectivity. And age, views of the young have changed so rapidly that the older generation has almost no chance to catch up. So when a minister says that Astrology is superior to science, he reflects an opinion reasonably common among older men/women in large parts of the country. Similarly when some policeman says that Jeans and mobile phones are responsible for crimes against women, it is not one insane idiot speaking, it reflects the viewpoint of a section of society. And political parties normally would not attempt to change these viewpoints? I remember my AD Mgt professor telling me that it is stupid and highly dangerous for marketers to attempt to change customers views especially deep rooted beliefs. So what can be done to change such view points? Can Radio or TV be of help? Does urbanisation make a difference? Talk shows? Local debates? Sorry for such a long rambling post. But would like views on this. Request not to make this about BJP/Modi/Safffronisation etc, we will have those debates elsewhere!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:39:49 +0000

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