On the Trail of the Nephilim [LA Marzulli @ ThePowerHour] - TopicsExpress


On the Trail of the Nephilim [LA Marzulli @ ThePowerHour] Description: An unparalleled discovery that may leave you in stunned silence It left our own Gary Stearman almost speechless. But not before he said in an visibly excited voice Does L.A. realize what he has here? This has never been done before. Hes exposed the whole evolution cover-up for all to see. This is amazing! This book is the culmination of a lengthy search for the physical evidence of the Nephilim, the Giants of Old Testament lore. A significant cover-up has taken place over the years, reducing these double-digit, gigantic hybrids to the dustbins of history. Youre going to read about the organizations behind this Darwinian-flavored scheme and why they hate the bones and skulls of the Nephilm so much. Theyll go to incredible lengths to make this evidence disappear! But make no mistake about—the Nephilim were here. Hundreds of excavated graves scattered throughout the world provide evidence of their genetic abomination—the product of the breeding of heavenly angels with the women of Earth during the days of Noah. These ancient builders left behind evidence of their supernatural strength and technological know-how. Their massive, megalithic structures are legendary and evidence of Nephilim architecture abounds worldwide. Marzulli and a team of scientists, archaeologists and scholars traveled to the jungles of a foreign land, perhaps the only place where they could gain access to the unspoiled evidence of this genetic manipulation—PERU—toppling perhaps the greatest cover-up in mankinds bizarre history. Crawling through caves deep in the Peruvian jungle, accompanied by a private native guide, they discovered the remains of an ancient civilization, a shocking find that left the team in awe. As they held these strange, ancient skulls in their hands, the team knew that this was a story that must be be told. The world must know the truth about The Days of Noah. See the skulls for yourself in On the Trail of the Nephilim—elongated, distorted skulls with massive eye sockets, bizarre jaw lines, and red hair! Simply put, these skulls are not human! DNA testing is pending! The story doesnt end with jungles, caves and ancient skulls. While in Peru, they had an epiphany. What if these fallen angels were using their superior knowledge of technology to seek world domination, reducing mankind to mere slaves in their sordid scheme? Was it their desire to be worshipped as gods, like their leader, the fallen archangel Lucifer? Were these angels building a network of worldwide power centers in hopes of seeking complete control of Gods Creation? Was there a sophisticated power grid that provided an incredible source of energy? Did these fallen angels know and understand the secrets of heaven? Were they willingly worshipped by the people of Earth? Did they have some sort of device that enabled them to manipulate enormous 120 ton stones like they were marshmallows and shape them and move them to and fro like they were childrens building blocks? Did they leave evidence of this super device behind? L.A. Marzulli may have connected the dots in a story far bigger than the world could ever imagine. lamarzulli.net/on-the-trail-of-the-nephilim.php#.U5cStsro60Y The Power Hour with Joyce Riley is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. We focus on subjects that inform and educate people every day to the real challenges that face this country. Help us restore the Constitution to its rightful place of importance in the United States. Knowledge Is Power. An informed citizen is freedoms best friend and a controlled citizen is our worst enemy! WE WILL NOT STOP!!! thepowerhour/ Read more: disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/178281/On_The_Trail_of_the_Nephilim_LA_Marzulli__ThePowerHour/#ixzz35eVky057 Read more: disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/178281/On_The_Trail_of_the_Nephilim_LA_Marzulli__ThePowerHour/#ixzz35eVdJSdz
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 12:14:08 +0000

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