On the Value of Confrontation Oct 10 - TopicsExpress


On the Value of Confrontation Oct 10 2014 1View 0Likes 0CommentsShare on LinkedInShare on FacebookShare on Google PluseShare on Twitter Last night, while dealing with a matter that Bobby the Carpenter Ants mother, Mary, and his Sister, Kathy - both of whom I am very close to, and with whom I have prayed repeatedly - that they asked me to take care of, a man started threatening me physically. Saying I was not part of their family, and should stay out of their affairs. It was about 9 PM at night. Late, dark. And there are no outside lights there. Was I scared? No. No fear here. Today, this David guy and I agreed to keep the peace. I mean him no harm, nor his family. He does not accept I am part of that family, and that is fine. But, turns out, he is a painter, and I do have a number of jobs that I could bid on, but if I got the ones I already know about and have bid on, I would consider subbing them out (its called) to this David. But I told him, in no uncertain terms, I will not be threatened by anyone, for any reason. I am the Boss. I am the Money man. I am the Trustee. When someone threatens me, they threaten those for whom I am responsible. And that will not happen. Period. The incident took me back to some of the key relationships which I have had over the years, most especially Don Harvey of Dallas, Texas. 66. A giant of a man, and totally Type A. That is, A Dominator. This was way back in 1986, and I had just taken over the Thrifty Nickel in Longview, Texas. Colortyme had been one of the biggest advertisers. Naturally, I wanted to sell him a full page, if I could, but a half at the very least. Furthermore, I was going to sell him a 1/2 on a 13 week basis, according to my new rate card I just came up with. I even remembered my pen, for a change. So, I walk into Colortyme, insertion order, pen, and rate card in hand. You know what the first words out of Dons mouth was? Who the f&** are you? Im Dan Matheny, the new publisher of Thrifty Nickel!, smiling, as usual. Get the f%&* out of my office. That cheap whore you got for a manager aint worth what shes selling. Shes no longer with us, Don. Im the new manager. How has Thrifty Nickel worked for you? Not worth a sh@!. Now get out of here before I throw you out. So, you wont be running an ad this week? I didnt say that. I cant rent TVs to poor people, and thats the only ones who read your rag. Thats funny. I was just sitting down with (name deleted) at my new offices on Gilmer Road, and he didnt seem poor at all. Fact is, he has quite a bit of money, and he reads my paper, faithfully. How much do you want for a quarter page? You dont want a quarter page. Surely! Not for as bigtime as you are, Don. By the way, are you of the Harveys of Dallas? The ones that just bought out Curtis Mathis? The best TV built in America? Thats my father! How did you know that? A little research into the Harvey name. Hey, Don, what if I bought you a nice, cold glass of beer, and shot you some pool for 20 bucks a game, plus a shot of tequila? And we can discuss the rate for a 1/2 page on a 13 week basis. Whatta you say? Sounds good. Marge! Catch the phones. Im about to take this Dan fellow for a whole bunch of money. You want to play me, Don Harvey, pool? You are about to lose little man - skinny runt. As long as you remember to sign on the dotted line, Don. Lets go shoot some pool. The rest is history. Some of my most valuable relationships have started out with confrontation. Don did sign for a 13 week contract of a 1/2 page a week, and we got into one or two confrontations of the physical nature while out shooting pool and drinking beer, plus tequila shots as well. Of course, it is hard to remember one or two incidents, but I do remember Don beating a guys head into the concrete, that is plentiful in Longview. And it all started because the guy told him he was a Bandito, and was wearing a red bandanna, sure enough. Don simply replied that he had to quit the Banditos in Dallas because they were too wimpy for him. The Bandito didnt take it too well, but he learned, he definitely learned. Thats your Sales 401 for the day. If youre going to be in Sales, or be a Man in the 21st Century, you need to measure up to Don Harveys standards.https://youtube/watch?v=VV1XWJN3nJo
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:28:38 +0000

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