On the back of the door, it says that No Lenny Bruce has ever - TopicsExpress


On the back of the door, it says that No Lenny Bruce has ever surpassed his predecessor. This is the public key to a riddle, but its private meaning is personal. This applies to a good volume of my blitherings; you only get the public version (sorry). Does our generation even have one, though? (That is to say, either a singular voice, or a Lenny Bruce. We have no JFKs, MLKs, etc) We seem to manage on our own, but I dont know if weve gained or lost anything in the process. ~swearingatparrots ~fastandarticulate ~ifonegeneration It asks you to check the side of the door for the run-on dick joke, but pulls a fast shaggy-dog one. Want to hear a really long dick joke? - Well, its reeeeally long. And thats all you get. The really long dick joke is a variant on the run-on shaggy dog joke - The build-up is this - your penis is with you wherever you go, to the washroom, to the park, out to a fancy restaurant etc. etc. - its always there... Then You (the teller, of sorts) run through an as-long-as-possible series of actions and movements (which is the build-up) until at the top of the stairs in the room with a door you state My penis unfirls, rolling (for example) down the stairs, out the door, taking with it great swaths of buildings constructions and accoutraments as it back-tracks the entire shaggy-dog build up. The punchline to the punchline (the big finish) is a shaggy dog punchline, though. If you would to unfirl backwards through your entire life you would wind up being born in reverse, like that movie with the guy. Ill leave it out here, but it kind of works in the proper circumstances. The long-running dick joke works better spoken fast and articulate; that is, at least the punch-in to the punchline. TL;DR The door is for head-travel, time travel is a distraction (though theres definitely something to it, in my opinion. The dick joke punchline is a cover for the real punchline (which I dont know), and the lot of it is a cover for something - what, Im not sure, but the writing on the door is a public distraction and key in, but also a private... something. Yeah.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 14:37:03 +0000

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