On the brewing civil war in Libya, I went back to look at some of - TopicsExpress


On the brewing civil war in Libya, I went back to look at some of the liberal victory-laps that were taken after Obama drone bombed Gaddafi into the grave. I love the title of this one: is Obama still weak? Heres some quotes from Michael Tomaskys piece: It’s worth stopping to realize that this Libya operation is, so far, not only a big success, but also a historic accomplishment in American history. Is it not the first multilateral and bloodless (as far as U.S. lives are concerned; admittedly not Libyans) intervention the United States has helped lead in its history to rid a people of a dictator and try to bring them democracy? It surely is. But a truly multilateral intervention to rid the world of one of its most tyrannical dictators, undertaken with no loss of American life? This is a first. It’s a very big deal. I hesitate to say it’s a model. And finally: how out to lunch do those Republican presidential candidates look now on foreign policy? Though the foreign-policy discussion got little attention, it was the most unhinged part of the last GOP debate. The Republican electorate may eat up potshots at Obama for being weak, but I doubt the broader public is buying it. ....arent those hilarious? One really must wonder how much the Obama re-election team needed the pointless bombing of Libya into civil unrest to get him re-elected. This guy called our actions in Libya a model. What planet is he on? the Liberal myths that have evolved under Obama really are mind-blowing, but the concept that we can truly effect nations by drone bombing and diplomacy alone is one of the most outlandish. Personally, Id avoid these conflict completely. I wouldnt invade Iraq in 2003 and Id not have bombed Libya in 2011. But if youre going to do something, Id suggest wed have a plan in place to finish the job - even if we come up short in the end. all thats happened in terms of Libya is that weve destabilized the entire nation and its political structure, which is causing massive pain to the people that the President said again and again were now free from tyranny. This is what Obama thinks is free? Libyas Ambassador to the U.N. is begging for help to avoid a full-scale civil war there. Tripoli is in ruins. This is a model? Only to kool-aide drinking liberals.... thedailybeast/articles/2011/10/21/is-barack-obama-still-weak-after-toppling-muammar-gaddafi-s-regime.html
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:01:34 +0000

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