On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with - TopicsExpress


On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul. (Psalm 138:3) When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refused to worship King Nebuchadnezzars gods, he threatened to cast them into a furnace of blazing fire, saying, And what God is there that can deliver you out of my hands? (Daniel3:15). Still, the three men refused to bow down. Filled with anger, Nebuchadnezzar gave orders to heat the furnace seven times hotter than usual. Imagine the fear they might have experienced at that moment. However, their faith in God conquered their fears, and in their loyalty, they were thrown into the fiery furnace. But the next thing that happened was miraculous! Instead of three, there were four men who stood in the furnace, completely unharmed! God had sent a divine being to deliver the loyal servants, making Nebuchadnezzar a believer in the Most High God! What if it were possible for you to face your circumstances without fear? What if in spite of all the heartache and tragedy that you are dealing with, you could be boldly courageous and at peace? Impossible? Unrealistic? Absolutely not! The Word of God tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. Fear can be conquered by faith! When tragedy turns up the heat in your life, and stirs up fear in your spirit, dont allow your faith to be shaken! Remember whos with you at all times, and in all circumstances—the King of kings, and Lord of lords, with all power in His hands! Hes calling you to trust and obey, to be courageous in the midst of difficult circumstances, and to have faith. In the presence of faith, fear must leave!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:24:09 +0000

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