On the drive to Natural Tunnel, Jon asked,Tony, are there monsters - TopicsExpress


On the drive to Natural Tunnel, Jon asked,Tony, are there monsters that live inside us and eat our brains? Have you been watching scary movies, Jon? Yes. No, Jon, there are no monsters living inside us eating our brains. But there are viruses and bacteria that can get inside us and make us sick with bad colds. Thats why we wash our hands after we use the bathroom and why we use hand sanitizers after we go to stores. But viruses are too tiny to see and they dont eat our brains. In the parking lot, Kam asked me to hold him while we waited in a long line for the shuttle bus. So I did. He looked up and scanned the heavens. He said, Hey Tony, I see an astronaut. Really?, I asked, What color is his hair? Kam regarded me solemnly. I said, Oh. I guess you see a satellite. Yes. Kam looked up again, twisting his neck like an owl as he searched for stars. He said, Hmm. I dont see the moon. He paused a moment and explained, The moon is in Millers Chapel. Jon asked, Where is the sun? Kam said, The sun falls into the ocean at night. Well, it doesnt fall all the way into the water. It just goes behind it and sets there until morning. Jon said, Lots of stars are going to fall tonight. Kam said, Yes. The stars are falling. Thats how I heard about the Geminid meteor shower. As we walked toward Carter Cabin, we approached a foot bridge over stock creek. The bridge was brightly decorated with strings of lights. Kam said, Oh! Were going to have a fashion show. Theres the runway. The boys and I stood in lines, rode buses standing up (this was cool), rode the chairlift (awesome) sang Rudoph the Rednosed Reindeer, talked to Santa Cawood, ate popcorn, drank hot chocolate and Diet Mountain Dew, roasted marshmallows, listened to carols, gazed at the tunnel, watched a train go through the tunnel, talked to Aaron, Stephanie and Addie, peed in a stinking outhouse, sat with a crowd in the cabin and warmed ourselves by the fire, bought knives, trains and lollipops in the gift shop, bought coonskin caps at the Sunoco station and drove home. I stayed awake the whole time. Jon said he had a good time.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:22:50 +0000

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