On the eve of the winter launch of Stonewall Sports I feel the - TopicsExpress


On the eve of the winter launch of Stonewall Sports I feel the need to immortalize my top twelve fondest moments as a Fall Kickball Rookie Runner Up with my newfound stonewaller friends: #12 I went to the Free Agent Social alongside Jason Marshall and had so much fun talking to everybody it took me four hours to realize I forgot to join a team. #11 The first time I stepped up to home plate at FDR field I faced off against Karl. Inexplicably a cannon sounded off in the distance. A voice from the bench deadpanned: “The Hunger Games Have Begun” #10 Throughout the season, I repeatedly reassured an incredulous Trevor that – despite how it looks – my car is so reliable it will be with me until the day I die (primarily because it’s a death trap). #9 It’s impossible to forget the sudden realization that there’s no competing with Travis Gehringer and Matt Care as they slide, glide, and backflip their way to victory with impossible saves. Seriously, where did you people recruit these other kickball pitchers. The Matrix? #8 On a related note, two weeks into the season players from Pitch Please and Saved by the Balls discovered me practicing my pitching in short shorts and matching bright orange soccer cleats…all by myself at Von Colln Field. I nearly died from embarrassment (thanks for not blowing my cover Robert Goodman and Charles Gassaway). #7 While out for a jog I got distracted by a cute guy from Jesse Rodriguezs team and literally ran into a parked car. Admittedly that wasn’t quite as bad as the time I was breezing along with Justin Nordell at 12th and Locust and walked into a poll. But I’m beginning to sense a disturbing need to get along better with inanimate street objects – either that or I’ll just have to start avoiding them. #6 After a couple stonewallers tried to chat me up on Halloween I understood my genius idea for a Mormon costume would’ve worked a lot better as a conversation starter if I’d actually seen the Book of Mormon. #5 I still recall fondly that epic pub crawl flip cup battle to the death against Patrick James Healy with Emily Sara, Jill Spring, Erica Jill . To this day I still refer to us all as “a team of some kind of super lesbians.” #4 Not to knock the tires back under this mystery, but did we ever figure out who created Bunty Kicks Facebook page? #3 The agony of I’m Kick James, Pitch’s! final double digit regular season loss was instantaneously erased by flowers from my own team…and Fawn Harmers winning smile – #2 Anybody else still wondering what got into the Blue Team at the end there? Where can I get whatever they started drinking? Stonewall Kickball’s Comeback Kids: Elizabeth Sterling, Glenn Knight, Adam Towle, Derek Billnitzer AND #1 During the playoffs the Green, Purple, and Orange teams each somehow managed to wish their Sunday rivals wouldn’t win it all on the same monkey’s paw. (Let’s all admit it, when the Wednesday league hit us we never saw it coming) That’s all I’ve got for now, but as the Starks might say in Game of Thrones… “Winter Is Coming”
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 02:38:20 +0000

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