On the evolution of Facebook... and why I think its a - TopicsExpress


On the evolution of Facebook... and why I think its a mistake. Facebook has been a great way for me to keep up with friends and acquaintances both old and new. Its my place to keep up with people I know or with whom I share a past. What became of my schoolmates, whats happening with my friends or family? Then along came Tumblr. Its the darling of the Millennials, and I totally get why. Tumblr is where you go to create a wall of nothing but stuff that interests you -- and you dont need to know the curators of that stuff. Its not the people you follow -- its what they post. Facebook and Tumblr both serve a purpose, but they are *different* purposes. Recently, though, my Facebook feed is filling up with Tumblr-like posts. Unfortunately, on Facebook Im looking to find out whats on YOUR mind or going on in YOUR life, not a post of a meme picture or a long set of politically-themed links. Yes, I can use Facebook like Tumblr by liking a page called Cute Puppies OMG They Are the Best, and that can serve to supplement my wall content, but I need to be careful not to reshare that to everyone I know here... you arent interested in the content Im interested in. You give me space on your wall because you are either interested in ME or you are interested in MY ideas. Tumblr is the other way around... you follow blogs on Tumblr that match your interests without having any interest in the person behind the blog. Both situations are fine. My thought is that Facebook has, wittingly or unwittingly, encouraged the Tumblr-fication of Facebook -- and thats a problem. Pick-up trucks are great for hauling stuff. Motorcycles are great for high-speed, dangerous fun. A motorcycle with a rear-bed big enough to carry a stack of plywood is useless to everyone. Thats what Im noticing with Facebook... the Tumblr-like posts (about things that dont interest me) are overwhelming the original posts from people I know. In the process, Facebook is getting so that it doesnt connect anymore. I cant be sure, but I think Facebook is starting to dilute itself to the point that I feel its peaked. You cant be all things to all people. I dont think Facebook understands that.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:01:32 +0000

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