On the human effects of Electrical Transformer and Coil - TopicsExpress


On the human effects of Electrical Transformer and Coil Windings By Adam Bull When I was first brought to working with electricity and transformers I knew very little about them, and you could say that I knew very little about myself - that is to say how the human body and mind works. For instance many people are unaware, as I was somewhat - that the mind is a physical thing, that is to say it is comprised of matter, with force, and energy with movement - and therefore the mental faculty is a wrong way to call it when it is really the physical faculty of the mind. I had not expected the unusual and unanticipated side effects of working near large currents of electricity. I can safely say that had I more experience to begin and had taken the advice of others I could have been saved a great deal of material and so-called mental expense. The problem was of course who to listen to - or rather the right person to listen to - and then it became something different really altogether - where instead of looking for the right thing or the next thing I was attempting to create them. In terms of the mind or mental faculty being a physical thing, think of it that it comprises of a tissue comprised of matter, to which it works at great ability to conduct an electric current to perform the contractions of the personality. For instance I have noticed that there are many different types of personality, if it were the case that the mind was not just a physical but an electrical energetic function then it would be all right because there are many different varieties of electrical and energetic propagation, and, also there are many different combinations and arrangements to which conductors or atoms might cycle to obtain a given frequency or amplitude, that is to say a power and an operating rotation speed, which might be mechanically equated perhaps with torque, force and length. and a distance in between. You could say in other words , metaphorically speaking that the universe was trying to bridge a gap as you might put , as much as my mind is, a production of the very said universe. Though, getting back to the matter at hand, it was in my experiments quickly becoming clear that the electrical and magnetic principles being applied, some of them novel in that they represented a new type of electricity, were in some way affecting the normal chemical and electrical signals occurring in my brain. In locality of the transformer, be it arm, leg, eye, or brain, there was a measurable effect, both in the frequency of the consciousness mind, as well as the amplitude of thoughts. For instance when working around the transformer of a very high power one will notice that his eyes no longer work. Electrical radiation can be extremely dangerous if you do not understand how radio waves are produced and the effect they can have on muscular tissue, cellular walls and chromosomes. Absent of the allegorical weapon to which it was not intended, an electrical potential of difference then existed between the subject or targets organelle and the electrical device. It had previous occurred to me that the transformer coil as the magnet or a turbine or electric generator flywheel went by it was getting the opposite pole from somewhere else than the field magnet passing by, for instance have noticed as the field magnet of a north pole kind runs by the coil winding, then the coil winding side becomes a south pole. I think this shows that the north pole is making the south pole, and the south the north pole. The person who understands how it is done will be a better scientist than I. Understanding fully the potentiality that the human consciousness, a now defined physical thing possessed some electric current to which a normal physicality was not reckoned. This we would call the approximate weight of the spirit perhaps in some more superstitious magazines, but the investigation of paranormal whilst this was and so very extreme in the darkness and light forces which has brought - led me to contend with the electric or magnetic field produced by the copper wire winding of many turns around its core - becoming more evident still that the weightless impressions of the current - for that is which they were - until they were to meet an obstruction - were leaving the transformer and my self was staying in between. This apparently weightless force would be one that could be exemplified in bringing out the soul of the transformer. For instance a simple experiment where an electric magnet placed on top of a tripod, with a conductor placed at a specific distance below, so that when the electric magnet is turned on the conductor below would lift off the ground on one side but not fully, it can be seen that the wireless effect from the electric magnet on the tripod, having not touched the object it is lifting, would not cause the tripod itself to suffer any leverage or weight, as the very thing that is carrying the force would appear to not exist of matter, but some ethereal substance that philosophers and so-called paranormal societies have sought for years. And a dark force might be brought at a beck and call from this understanding. Were it not a weapon, it were in certainty a great responsibility. To interrupt not only ones own spirit, but that of the greater world is an unsettling in life but I should expect more terrifying in death. Upsetting was the realisation that in the same way I had become led to see this, I had begun to notice the intensity of moods would be weakly correlated with the weather. At a first primary inspection there would be no sense of urgency or astonishment in this investigation, until one was led to investigate what it was that weather actually is. What causes it, where it comes from. And - then the certainty and realisation that the sun was causing not only entire species of plants and animals to propagate, but was a primary mineral creating the electrical potential for all of the movement and rotation as well as change we see - on a less physical level a more metaphorical level - peoples trousers and skirts were going up and down with the sun. Do not be alarmed - I mean to say that darkness or light, whether a person sleeps in light or night, he should be governed by that external sunrise and sunset. Interestingly the sun is not rising at all, but that is really another story beyond the scope of this one. Do not be disappointed, let me be blunt to say that the earth is itself spinning too like the atoms in your veins, and should they stop, then so would the thing that is circulating in you being alive. All animals, like all light-bulbs have electricity, and the heat, and when there is no electricity or heat in them any-more it is a sign that they are gone. There can still be the atoms, and the chemicals, and most of the organs, and enough to exist can still be there, but once the amplification process stops, then so does the life. I discovered that life was a very fragile and dangerous thing in these investigations and I would really not wish the experiences that I have had with the transformer on another, for I had worked and toiled with the new electricity for a great deal of time, it changed my dreams, and altered my writings. I could not help but feel there was a connection that run deep to the mysticism of the alchemy of the electron and proton, that had been irrevocably tied into the ankh and sankofa of the magnetic currents. I had then come to learn that a man in a distant world looking upon our star might change the course of the entire universe, that the sun and the moon would change our gaze, and our gaze change the minds of musicians and artists, poets and philosophers, scientists and engineers. But I have learnt more than this - I have seen into the eyes of God and seen no end. Electricity is the very consciousness of us, it is physical, not mental. But upon investigating the physical, it was obvious that at the moments of death, were the energetic field not fully maintained as a force of motion and current, then it can no longer draw the source from which it breaths, no matter how many atoms are put back, I had realised that the physical material atoms were only there to conduct something. I had learnt that my mind was only a receiver in a gigantic cosmic sea or ocean, designed by this planet, this planet designed by the seed of the cosmos, one should expect there to be other seeds scattered elsewhere, and then there exists more wonderful possibilities from this single discovery, and the terrible and brilliant, awe inspiring and terrifying ideas they bring, but - they lead somewhere back to source. For instance the moon orbits around this earth, and this earth around our sun, and our sun around something too. We are sure, something orbits around that as well. The north pole for instance is a star that we are aligned with perfectly, and it can be no coincidence, but some grand act of grace - a probability if you will - a certainty if you would like to believe in fate - but most importantly there is a synchronisation which implies a common factor, the north star, a brother in the local galaxy, the galaxy being some 100,000 light years wide, polaris being just over 375 light years away is but a smattering to the multitude of galaxies that exist. Each one created in the same manner as earth, and separated by the grand plan of atom. One cannot help but be excited about what it means - which evidently - famous scientific illustrations and astonomical illusions being a commonly attributed cause of thousands of years of science advancement being held back - because nobody knows what it means. Nobody really knows. They just know, hey the transformer feels hot , I can feel it. Hey the transformers making my eyes sting! Or my brain hurt. Or do mathematics 300% better than I used to. Hey ma! Im autistic might sound like a far fetched idea, and although my research never conventional ever in its orientation - what kind of new science would be anyway - after my experiences I was led to research the subject more fully in the literature to which I was not aware a Trascranial magnetic stimulator already existed, and was led to conclude Trascranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was an academic standard already developed working as a depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, that is to say electrically dispersive or electrically activated neurons in the brain. I beleive that it is something about the fibres in the neuron that allow the same lines of the field magnet or transformer coil winding of a magnetic field. In my experiments before even knowing this TMS ever existed I had learnt that the timing was important in concluding these effects. The National Institute of Mental Health says that magnets are used of an electrical current to activate [or deactivate] parts of the brain. So in other words this technology is a reality. Evidently it is already used for significant relief from the symptoms of many neurological and psychiatric disorders including migraine, stroke, Parkinsons disease, depression, dystonia and tinnitus. Which suggests to me that the electrical transformer presents a technology for a new future which humanity has yet to fully benefit from in his understandings, but it is hoped by this author that he or she will march in their research, EXTREME DANGER - WOULD NOT WISH ON WORST OF MEN - Please be careful folks when experimenting with electricity. I cant be held responsible if you recreate this experiment and bring about damage to yourself. EXTREME DANGER - YOU CAN CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR PERMANENT INJURY BY INTEREFERING WITH YOUR BRAIN WITHOUT PROPERLY UNDERSTANDING IT - in science we have a limited understanding, as in medicine, we DO NOT PROPERLY UNDERSTAND IT - but we DO HAVE SOME IDEA. EXTREME DANGER! DO NOT REPEAT THE EXPERIMENTS DESCRIBED. Best Wishes, Adam Bull 25/07/2014 talking about my work with electrical transformers and a discover for a new future of evolution and technology [DRAFT FORMAT]
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 21:58:06 +0000

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