On the last day of harvest when all the barns were full and the - TopicsExpress


On the last day of harvest when all the barns were full and the rest of the corn was safely stacked they used to celebrate by having the Hollerin Pot or Last Load. The very last waggon would carry a token load of just two layers of sheaves on the floor and it would be decorated with flags and bunting slung between the corner poles. Jim would sit up forard, like Grand-dad had in the old days when he had been bailiff, and the waggon would be drawn by a team harnessed up in tandem fashion with the best horse from each of the four gangs, with each carter leading his own horse and a boy riding on each of the three trace horses. All the rest of the company, sometimes as many as forty or more, would clamber into the waggon ready to make the last triumphant and ceremonial journey down into the village with the remainder of the waggons, carts and horses following on behind. Bob Copper, A Song For Every Season. ... in case you wanted some authentic old harvest customs to get rid of the nasty taste of all that Mabon nonsense.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 08:57:46 +0000

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