On the left hand. By Adrian Paenza . All August 13 - TopicsExpress


On the left hand. By Adrian Paenza . All August 13 International Left-Handers Day is celebrated. Few are aware today that being left handed was seen as a disease and was considered so shameful. They are blockbuster stories of kids in schools where teachers were forced to tie his left arm on the back as they were forced to become right-handed force. Or they were beaten with a ruler on the knuckles to anyone who would come to the set . Not that this happened many centuries ago much less . Its something that happened yesterday , just around the corner. In the decade from 1950 to 1960 , I witnessed this happened with several of my co- primary . So that we are not far either temporarily or geographically of these episodes would be inconceivable today. Before proceeding with the lefties , the question that occurs to me ask is what are we doing today in terms of retaliation , equivalent to the outrages of 50 years with lefties ? What , all that seems natural to us today , it will be seen as an aberration in a few years ? Back to lefties. Until recently, left-handedness was considered a disease. He was considered as a health problem . Sounds like you came factory failed . Experts say up to four years is not clearly defined what guidance will have a child. The most widely accepted origin of handedness theory is that the right brain has dominance over the other hemisphere . Brain connections are crossed : the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the other the right. The right hemisphere , attributed the spatial and visual qualities ( the ability to imagine the interior shapes and forms ) , creativity , emotions and artistic talent . So , lefties should be more imaginative , creative. In turn , righties have the cables tidy side of the brain that makes them sensitive , reasonable ... Problems lefties Who is lefty does not contemplate that the world is built for righties . So I suggest you to think about the following issues that are presented to them in everyday life and that you are right-handed or will occur : - You have to use the opener backwards. - Cash registers with lever, have the right. - Numeric keypad on the computer. - Guitars , Bass, Bass (actually , all stringed instruments to be adapted ) . - Scissors . - To close or open anything that requires a handle or key , they have to force should turn upside down or backwards. - Desks in schools. - Gear lever in cars. - Notebooks with spiral ridges . - Parking brake on a car. - Borronean writing . Types lefties Not all lefties are equal. Some people are completely left-handed ( Victor Hugo Morales, for example), but others are left-handed for writing but not to kick a ball. Or the opposite: there are some who are left-handed with his feet but write with your right hand . And besides, are all possible variants of people are left-handed only for very specific activities: billiards , cards are dealt from a deck , cut with a knife , are examples. Famous Left Handed Simón Bolívar, Albert Einstein, Madame Curie , Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi , Joan of Arc , Benjamin Franklin , Bill Gates , Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte , Queen Victoria of England, Prince Charles , Fidel Castro, David Rockefeller, Albert Schweitzer, the Boston Strangler (Albert Henry DeSalvo ) , Jack the Ripper ( serial murderer ) , Alexander the Great , Charlemagne, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush , Bill Clinton, Nelson Rockefeller , Henry Ford. authors lefties Lewis Carroll (author of Alice in Wonderland ) , Frederich Nietzsche , Mark Twain ( novelist ), James Baldwin ( novelist ) . musicians lefties Atahualpa Yupanqui , Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Phil Collins, Paul McCartney , Jimi Hendrix , Maurice Ravel ( Composer) , Ringo Starr, Paul Simon (Simon and Garfunkel ) . artists lefties M. C. Escher ( Dutch) , Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo Buonarroti , Raphael, Leonardo Da Vinci. Actors and actresses lefties Charles Chaplin, Tom Cruise , Richard Dreyfuss, Robert De Niro , Shirley Mac Laine , Marcel Marceau, Marilyn Monroe, Robert Redford, Jerry Seinfeld , Sylvester Stallone, Dick Van Dyke, Bruce Willis, Kim Novak , Keanu Reeves, Peter Ustinov, Harpo Marx Greta Garbo, Whoopie Goldberg , Cary Grant, Rock Hudson, Diane Keaton. athletes lefties Diego Maradona, Manu Ginobili, Guillermo Vilas, John McEnroe , Jimmy Connors, Lionel Messi. some statistics - An estimated 10 percent of the world population is left-handed . - A boy , son of lefty father has 10 percent chance of being left-handed too. - Mother Son lefty , increases to 20 percent chance of being left-handed . - If both parents are left-handed , the percentage rises to 46 percent. - There are more left-handed left-handed . concluding remarks - The first lefty on the moon was Buzz Aldrin. Whats more, the twelve astronauts who landed on the Moon , four were left-handed . - Albert De Salvo, the Boston Strangler terrorized a city and accumulated the highest record in history as a rapist and murderer . In the nineteenth century , criminologists believed that left-handedness was a sign of degeneration and evil. - Jack the Ripper in London , was also left-handed. All his victims were women killed with the same type of mutilation. Scotland Yard had a single track : Knife wounds clearly showed the guy was left-handed. The data was not least because , at that time, in England, only two percent of the population was left-handed . However , they could never find it. History suggests that a grandson of Queen Victoria known as the Duke of Clarence may have been the murderer , so the records are secret and still have not been released.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 01:54:36 +0000

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