On the magiczone tonight. Have your say. Hey - TopicsExpress


On the magiczone tonight. Have your say. Hey Magic-zone. Linda here. The dilemma i am in would am sure call for lots of judgment from the listener but all i need is a way through this please. For a while i dated my ex boyfriend who was a nice guy with a decent job, we sure were in love until he tried to seek pleasure else where only to notice his change of behavior and ignoring most of my calls. Now how do i get to know about this other woman in his life!! after seeking for advise from friends in vain i decided to try the local medicine men who i had no clue even existed before. The first medicine man told me my man had gotten a another woman but he still loves me only that she also sought witchcraft to keep him away from me, which i wasnt so sure about but that led me to try several others (medicine men) who told me the same story. Now my mission was to get back my man at all cost and if the other woman used juju to keep this guy, i would surely also go down the same lane. My only problem was the time it would take for my man to get back to me for they (medicine men) all said it would not be instant, but i held on. My friends had for long told me to give the man his space and move on but that is not how i wanted the story to end so i went on with my plans until nature took its course and i kind of gave up towards the end of last year in december. Now recently there is a new man in my life that wants to introduce me and open up some business for me, every thing has been great but my Ex is back with a force. Now my guess is as good as yours all my efforts with the witchcraft might be paying off now but i had moved on, and i had no clue it would take this long to be effective. Now my dilemma is, i still kinda love my first cut but with the way it went down the first time we dated i dont want to waste the chance at hand. i havent told my new guy about my exs coming back though still that wouldnt be the issue. The thing is my Ex am sure is capable of anything especially with the influence of juju that i made on him (out of love) so how i get him off my new life is my dilemma. Friends have told me to go back to the medicine men to undo the effects but one is off to Tanzania as i was told and the others are asking for sacrifices that are way out of my reach. I know this is all mixed up, and am not calling for insults please but if you have some advise that you feel can be of help i will be grateful. But what do i do? PLEASE HELP OUT.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:31:03 +0000

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