On the occasion of Chairman Gonzalo´s 80th Anniversary, the - TopicsExpress


On the occasion of Chairman Gonzalo´s 80th Anniversary, the Communist Party of Peru resolves: 1st The unscathed Communist Party of Peru reaffirms itself in that Chairman Gonzalo is the head of the Party and revolution as was approved in the First Congress of 1988; that his main contributions are: the Reconstruction of the Party as a new type Party, the leadership of the transcendent people´s war and having defined Maoism as the new, third and highest stage of Marxism, hoisting, defending and applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the ideology of the proletariat. 2nd Facing 22 years of isolation and confinement in a military prison as is the Naval Base of Callao, he has been developing his thought in defense of the Party, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and revolution. Hence: – His just and correct initiative to propose a New Grand Strategy for the 4th stage of the Party: moving from armed political struggle to unarmed political struggle, assumed by the left and imposed against the opportunist, caudillist, rightist military bourgeois line, who opted to take the people´s war to its defeat and the Party to its split; having Chairman Gonzalo won there a new political battle unifying the vast majority with his proposal, which became a New General Political Line. - His persistence in trying to achieve a Political Solution, General Amnesty and National Reconciliation, fundamental,just and correct policy, necessary so that the Peruvian society may close as it corresponds the chapter of the war of the 80s of the last century; indispensable to stop the State from using the pretext of the war to extend its punitive power against the people by criminalising its struggles; and also useful for the thousands involved who are marginalised from society as outcasts. - His just and correct legal strategy that led to the cancellation of all military trials and masked judges. Hence his just and correct questioning of the anti-subversive legal system being used as war weapon denying rights beginning by not considering those accused as persons reducing them to things, which introduces the “dangerousness” on individuals erasing the principle that the facts are what should be judged, and, this is what is most pernicious, distorting the reality of a political fact, as they do with the revolutionary people´s war in order to summit it to the qualification of imperialism that seeks to denigrate, in this way, both revolution and revolutionaries. 3rd The Party also reaffirms itself that Chairman Gonzalo in his long relentless communist struggle is contributing decisively to world proletarian revolution, conceiving the Peruvian revolution as part of the world revolution, adopting proletarian internationalism and outlining writings as “150 years of Marxism” of 1993, where he sketches a reaffirmative balance on the scientific conception of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and raises the importance of defending it against the imperialist counter-revolutionary offensive attacking the supposed goal of utopia and the ideology for having expired: the work “The globalisation, definition and first crisis 1997”, in which he uses Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to unmask imperialism and contribute to the solution of the new problems of revolution; and his masterful analysis of the global economic crisis, defining it as the largest, serious and more widespread crisis of world capitalist system. Emphasising very specially his undefeated conviction in the most difficult moments of world proletarian revolution and in his own and most adverse circumstances, persisting in that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the ideology of the proletariat around which we must unite ideologically, politically and organizationally for the making of revolution. 4th Equally, the Communist Party of Peru unscathed reaffirms itself that combating understood as an expression of the contradiction in society and within the Party, for Chairman Gonzalo is also a fundamental element and each achievement earned meant to combat against reaction and against revisionism that is the bourgeoisie in the bosom of the Party; he struggles with passion and tenacity that is characteristic of communists fueled by his unwavering convictions. 5th More than 60 years dedicated to the overthrow of the exploiting capitalist system, today imperialism and globalisation, and its oligarchic financial or reactionary bourgeois States, serving the people wholeheartedly and with absolute personal disinterest, fighting for the emancipation of the proletariat and the people in whom he sows the consciousness that their organisation and revolutionary struggle are the only solution to the vile exploitation which they are object of and that therefore the class must lead through its Communist Parties the struggle for the conquest of Power to build a new economic and political system:socialism, heading towards Communism.. Reason why imperialism and reaction have him as their enemy and for them enough is not only to condemn him to life imprisonment and isolation, 22 years later they open new trials for him, imprison his lawyers and are opposed to the general amnesty opting, instead of a political solution that will lead to national reconciliation, to a counter-revolutionary political persecution.The same reason why split maker revisionism if yesterday and today have him as their adversary, today on the one hand are those who from their virtual antrum pour poison of resentment of a renegade type who remained undiscovered crawling until he was discovered, unmasked and expelled. And on the other hand, the samemilitarist caudillist opportunism that split and led to an anti-Party, anti-Marxist and anti-people splinter armed group, being politically impotent unleashes its statement to assassinate Chairman Gonzalo and comrade Miriam. Convergent attacks after which the Communist Party of Peru goes out resolutely to condemn, reject and repudiate them, at the same time defending Chairman Gonzalo who throughout his journey has developed Gonzalo Thought and has become the greatest living Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and who in this December 3rd, joyful day, full of optimism we pay our highest and most solemn tribute raising from here the deep affection that thousands of people´s offspring, Communists and revolutionaries profess towards him with respect and admiration. DEFEND CHAIRMAN GONZALO! 80TH ANNIVERSARY! LONG LIVE CHAIRMAN GONZALO, HEAD OF THE PARTY AND REVOLUTION! LET´S FOLLOW HIS THOUGHT OF OPPOSING REVOLUTION TO IMPERIALIST WORLD WAR WHICH THEY ARE PREPARING! 3 DECEMBER, 2014 CENTRAL COMMITTEE COMMUNIST PARTY OF PERU signalfire.org/2015/01/04/resolution-of-the-communist-party-of-peru-on-the-occasion-of-the-80th-anniversary/
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:46:41 +0000

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