On the occasion of the Human Rights Day, Potohar Organization for - TopicsExpress


On the occasion of the Human Rights Day, Potohar Organization for development Advocacy (PODA) in Islamabad organised a seminar entitled “Reaffirming Freedom of Religion or belief”, in collaboration with the European Union on 10 December. A large number of human rights activists, lawyers, intellectuals and journalists attended. In his message, Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation in Pakistan, Mr. Lars-Gunnar Wigemark reiterated the European Union’s commitment to promoting Human Rights in Pakistan in collaboration with the Government and the people of the country. Europe itself faced horrendous Human Rights violations during the 20th century and the EU is based on the fundamental principle that prevention of such acts is vital. He stated that the right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental right of every human being, emphasising that the EU is impartial and is not aligned with any specific religion or belief. Its free exercise directly contributes to democracy, development, rule of law, peace and stability. He said it is encouraging that Pakistan has ratified a number of important human rights treaties in recent years, but also stressed the need to ensure that these are fully implemented in letter and spirit. eeas.europa.eu/delegations/pakistan/press_corner/all_news/news/2014/20141210_01_en.htm
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:43:22 +0000

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