On the topic of B&W horror... The difference between Marvel B&W - TopicsExpress


On the topic of B&W horror... The difference between Marvel B&W or Marvel color is nipples. Thats all there was to it. That was my era. I was buying that crap. It was all garbage. Another example of me connecting the dots... I recall an interview-- I THINK it was with Roy Thomas (but it could have been any of a dozen other guys), discussing Marvels B&W horror line. It was going to start out with DRACULA LIVES, but then they decided to do 2 instead. (Marvel ALWAYS does 2 bi-monthlies instead of 1 monthly of anything new; 2 reasons: each book can sit on the shelves an extra month before being returned, and, you take up twice as much shelf space, less room for your competitors.) But THEN, for some reason (those words seem to stick in my memory), it was decided, no, theyll do 4. And then they added a 5th on top of that. And ALL of them were inferior CRAP. Nobody learned a thing from the earlier TOWER OF SHADOWS / CHAMBER OF DARKNESS debacle. Now you had MUCH MORE pages to fill, and how do you do it? Sure, some of the material was brilliant. But a lot of it was 2nd-rate or 3rd-rate DREK. But that didnt fill the pages. They also had LOUSY REPRINTS from the 1950s-- stuff totally out of style and clashing horribly with the new material-- which NOBODY, not even the most rabid Marvel fanboy wanted to read. But that STILL didnt fill those pages, so, they also had BAD articles about movies, and BAD interviews. Why was this done? There was a SPECIFIC reason!! Marvel-- and by that I mean, pure and simple STAN F***ING LEE-- wanted to KILL Warren Publishing!! Thats it! He didnt decide, Oh! I want to put out some GREAT books! NO!! He said, THOSE BASTARDS are getting some of MY money! He saw a target-- and set his sights on it. But he MISSED the target. SKYWALD went under instead. STUPID ROTTEN EVIL BASTARD.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:59:18 +0000

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