On the topic of enlightenment...in another thread, Kundalini - TopicsExpress


On the topic of enlightenment...in another thread, Kundalini Shaman stated he feels it is overrated. I tend to agree. I also suspect it might not be what is popularly held to be. The following is just my personal hypothesis on the matter, shared for the chance to discuss! This is about chakras...not everyone perceives/understands them the same way, but for me, the 7 within our bodies, with the representative colors, form a rainbow inverse from what we see after the rain...i.e. instead of red at the top, red is the color of our root chakra. Now, consider the pineal gland as a prism - it is even triangular which is the shape of a common prism. I was given a clue once about the nature of things, from an apocryphal early gnostic/christian text called The Acts of Peter. ( earlychristianwritings/text/actspeter.html ) Concerning which the Lord saith in a mystery: Unless ye make the things of the right hand as those of the left, and those of the left as those of the right, and those that are above as those below, and those that are behind as those that are before, ye shall not have knowledge of the kingdom. I put a lot of significance in the as above, so below concept and I think is also applies to as within, so without. Applying this same principle to what we know a prism does, outside of us, which is to break up a beam of clear or white light into a rainbow, then the prism within us takes the rainbow within us, our chakras, when all lit and spinning once Kundalinis been raised, and brings them all together to shine a white light...within. En- meaning in and lightened! IF (and only if, since this is all purely speculation on my part although not at all wild guessing or uneducated hypothesis) my idea has some validity, then enlightenment is NOT about knowing all the answers or being very wise or even about having it easy in life. In fact, there are some of us here who have shared that Kundalini within us has already been raised...including myself as well as Kundalini Shaman. So, that would make us technically enlightened according to THIS theory. Does that mean I know everything? NO Does it mean I am wise? On occasion, but I daresay I am still more of a fool. Do I have all the answers? Not even close. In fact, for every answered question, at least two more questions arise in my heart and mind... Do I make mistakes? All the damn time! Even though I try not to make the same mistake twice (or at the most, three times!), evidently there are A LOT of mistakes available for me to make. ;-) IOW, the more I find out, the less I know! I personally dont think that the common view of enlightenment is accurate, possible, or even intended! Im certainly not the illustration beside the word enlightenment in the new age dictionary! :-D My dictionary doesnt have a picture with that word, to be honest. LOL What I have gained is a sense of peace within that makes me okay with being fallible, ignorant, and imperfect. The more I go along, the more I relish and enjoy my imperfection...all that makes me a regular human being is what gives me joy in life. Kundalini Shaman is right...mystery is SO much more than the lack thereof...I doubt there is an end to the mystery...I hope with all my heart that there is no end! To that, or the learning! Thoughts?
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 18:51:38 +0000

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