On the ongoing social protests in #Lebanon: once again, the - TopicsExpress


On the ongoing social protests in #Lebanon: once again, the increasing escalations and actions of social movements in the last few days have proved that the Lebanese regime in its political, economic, social, and legal institutions have excluded and cornered everyone; except those who hold onto power from businessmen, religious men and whomever is in their orbit from political parties. After a long hibernation, parliament has now awakened to pass and create laws that preserve the interests and privileges of those in power at the expense of workers, renters, women and others social constituents who are at increasing marginalization and who are drowning in the recurring cycles of oppression and exploitation. Lebanese authorities have refused instating the right of civil defence volunteers to work and recognizing the right to safe and appropriate work of teachers contracted by the Lebanese University. Parliamentarians, business men, and religious institutions have consistently obstructed teachers and workers of the public sector to attaining their rights of adjusting their wages, they actively work on ridding Lebanese cities of their inhabitants and displacing citizens via the new rent laws, and also they have refused the recognition of the simplest and most basic right of the protection of women in Lebanon from violence and rape in the family. With all these developments, and all those people stepping up to protest and strike, we are yet again reminded that appealing and pleading with the authorities for our basic rights is useless, because the struggle to harbor commodities and privileges is at its clearest, and all the masks have dropped. We have no choice but to take our own right, in the streets and via organizing ourselves. We support and call for the participation in all these vibrant social movements and to form wider alliances and coalitions so that we may face these powers united and together.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 12:52:07 +0000

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