On the recent news of the new Batman/Superman film coming - TopicsExpress


On the recent news of the new Batman/Superman film coming out.... I was rooting for Hiesnburg to play Luther, but I knew that was a long shot. Based on business alone, it would have pulled a different demographic (perhaps) but lets face it, a younger star playing Luther makes sense for sequels sake. I am not too surprised they tapped Eisenberg to play Luther because he has that projected strength needed to play the part. I doubt he will be bald in the first appearance because Lex was a redhead to begin with. But if what I am hearing is right, Lexs main position will be to challenge Superman as the bringer of destruction. Hence Clark learning a thing or two from Bruce. As for Jeremy Irons playing Alfred...I am impressed. Everyone is hating on Affleck as Batman, but hes got the chin and he has that ability to pull of the rich man look or the thug. And of course Batman is both, really. I think the dynamic of Irons and Affleck will be interesting, because Bruce has always relied on Alfred, and I can see Irons teaching Affleck a thing or too. Mostly I am excited because this will be a truly different iteration of all characters involved. I loved the Nolan films, and the Burton films, but both had the similar dark theme to it. I am excited to see what will come from Snyder.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:22:26 +0000

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