On the spiritual path, radical honesty to oneself and - TopicsExpress


On the spiritual path, radical honesty to oneself and surrender/humility are necessary. In the West especially, but elsewhere too, there is the issue of what I call the armchair Vedantist syndrome. The precepts of Vedanta are some of the highest works of philosophy the world has ever seen to be sure. Its logic is flawless, and the study of the Upanishads surely gives one a glimpse of what the world looks like from the mountaintops of consciousness. One of the basic premises is that who you really are, is nothing that can be named. Anything that you are aware of is not you, because you are the witness of that. You are not your mind, because you are aware of your mind, there is a you that is witnessing your mind. You are not your body for the same reason, and so on. After exposure to these philosophies, many put down the book and say ah yes, I am a knower of this knowledge! They speak from a very high horse from that point on....impressed with their own ability to know about something like Vedanta. But they arent quite there yet, are they? There is a difference between knowing and knowing about. I can know all about San Fracisco....that does not mean I have ever been there...I do not know San Francisco, I have at most read some books and seen some photos. It is spiritual pride that will hold these people back, while the humble carry on ahead. They believe they have already seen what is to be seen, and they will stop looking. When Vedantic truth becomes ones everyday experience, they will not need to impress others with their philosophy or their attainment. The Self will shine forth as clearly as the Sun on a cloudless day....in and through all things, and beyond them. Then they will help others see....
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:42:40 +0000

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