On the verge of bankruptcy, racism at its highest, religious - TopicsExpress


On the verge of bankruptcy, racism at its highest, religious freedom being curtailed, our economy in shambles, crime on the increase, particular communities marginalized and yet we ready to celebrate freedom/independence? As much as I love my country so passionately all I have to say is after 56 years of BN and a majority of those with Mamakkuttay the father of Racism this is one birthday I am celebrating with a heavy heart. As I shed tears for where we are today in comparison to Singapore and other Asian nations all I will do is pray for a true patriotic leader to emerge who can lead all Malaysians, is color blind and would lead us all rather than one who wants to lead only one race and religion at the expense of our diversity. Our future depends on our diversity and respect for other cultures and religions, so as I pray for my country I ask you to do the same and take a moment to reflect on the racist statements by people like Zulfiki (Insulter of Indian Gods), Ibrahim Ali (Perkasa Donkey), The school principle (An evil man) who made Children eat in the toilet and the biggest curse to my country the Mammakkuttay (Father of Racism). This is not the Malaysia I dream off, I dream of a land where we are all brothers and sisters free to practice our religious values and customs and full of love and respect for the diversity that makes us unique. Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka...............May god bless and save us all............Happy 56th Birthday Malaysia..........I truly love you.....Rukun Negara Time Now..........
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 22:34:42 +0000

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