On the whim of the wind, I set psionic sail To the flutter of - TopicsExpress


On the whim of the wind, I set psionic sail To the flutter of Id. An axon of hemp wails to The whoosh of brain at bull-tide Upon the dendrite-pooled plank. Gulls drift in the wild gale Enduring the whistling whip On the dead-breath of deity Humming through my ears Down through scripted windfall Into the love-black swirl Of tide-pools. On the whim of the wind The glass wave assumes command. Mirrors of memory swirl the Smooth image of self Through sunless Alidades out of time Moving images spinning the Flesh-bound compass of skin, bone, and sinew. To crack the soul of the sea Beyond the gust of sailor-made songs Searing history onto formless waters. To cast out souls fixed In foam unto the moment captured The sea is beyond mothers, fathers, Sons or daughters. On the whim of the wind, The breaker divides the land and sea. Lifelines will not square the one flow, The drowning swimmers thresh the loam While sand slips through aquatic geometry. Death gropes in numbered currents At the gleaming arms of the moon Coming in and out of being In the concealed push and pull. One wave envelops another In arching battles at sundown The defeated flow builds up the victor Not even wind knows which way it will blow.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 04:41:26 +0000

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